Biden to Visit Saudi Arabia After Calling the Kingdom a Pariah

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
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Saudi Arabia is a country that regularly violates human rights.  Murder, torture, discrimination against women and pretty much no freedom of speech are just a few examples.  Now, Biden says he could pay that kingdom a visit.

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As a Presidential candidate, it should be noted, Joe Biden said he would treat Saudis as “pariahs,” after U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who had criticized Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, was killed and dismembered in 2018, reports the AP. 

This week, both the Washington Post and the New York Times, as well as other media sources, reported that Joe Biden intends to visit Riyadh soon.  The reports indicated that the visit would take place this month and that Biden would meet with Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman. The purpose of the  visit was reportedly “to repair relations and add more oil to the global markets,” according to Fox News. 

Friday, however, Joe Biden announced “I have no direct plans [to visit Saudi Arabia] at the moment. But let me tell you that I have been engaged in trying to work with how we can bring more stability and peace in the Middle East,” reports Fox News. 

The obvious assumption is that Biden did intend to visit Saudi Arabia but he has received pushback.  He did still say that there is “a possibility that [he] would be going to meet with both the Israelis and the Arabs, some Arab countries at the time, including, I expect would be Saudi Arabia to be included in that if I do go.” 

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The White House recently praised Saudi Arabia for helping to get a pledge from the OPEC+ group to increase oil production.  It also praised them “for demonstrating ‘courageous leadership’ by agreeing to a 60-day cease-fire extension in its seven-year-old war with Yemen,”  reports the AP.

Clearly, while Biden isn’t going “directly” to Saudi Arabia, he does intend on going.  So his announcement Friday is just more Biden B.S. Nothing like sucking up to the leader of a brutal country to try to get some points before a big election.  Does Biden even have a spine?  

Stacey Warner

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