Only Fox Covered The Assassination Attempt on Justice Kavanaugh On Sunday Morning Political Shows

Democrat Chris Coons talks with Bret Baer on Fox News Sunday about the assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh
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It’s no secret that liberals don’t like Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. He was appointed by Donald Trump and liberals did everything they could to try to discredit him before he was confirmed. Now, they suspect that he will be one of the Justices who will vote to strike down Roe v. Wade, so they like him even less. Still, for no mainstream media networks to bring up what happened to him on June 8 on their Sunday political shows is incredible.

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On June 8, an armed man was arrested near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s house, where he lives with his wife and two daughters, in Chevy Chase, Maryland outside of Washington D.C. The suspect was carrying a knife, pepper spray, and a handgun when he was arrested at a street nearby the Justice’s home. He did threaten to kill Kavanaugh, law enforcement sources told Fox News.

Courtesy of Reuters via

The news of the attempt on Justice Kavanaugh’s life was ignored by all the Sunday political shows on ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN, reports Fox News.

An assassination attempt on a Supreme Court Justice is a big deal. The specific facts of this assassination attempt make it even a bigger deal. As Fox describes what happened, “[e]arly Wednesday, two U.S. Marshals witnessed a suspect dressed in black clothing exit a taxi in front of Kavanaugh’s Montgomery County home with a backpack and suitcase. Shortly afterwards, the suspect, identified as Nicholas John Roske, called 911 to report he was experiencing suicidal thoughts and intended to kill Kavanaugh in response to the Supreme Court draft opinion leak from May. Police officers arrested Roske after the call and apprehended several items including a black tactical chest rig and tactical knife, Glock 17 pistol with two magazines and ammunition, pepper spray, and zip ties.”

On the only major network show that did cover the assassination attempt, Fox News Sunday, host Bret Baer asked Chris Coons, D-Del. if violent rhetoric contributed to the threat on Justice Kavanaugh’s life. Coons refused to call out Democrats, saying “I think all of us need to reduce the level of our rhetoric and be mindful of the fact that stirring up potential violence is not a good or constructive thing to be doing at this moment in our country, by any political leader.”
Courtesy of Dizi Medya via relevant part beginning at 2:48

Baer pointed out to Representative Coons that there is already a law on the books that makes it illegal to protest in front of a Supreme Court Justice’s home with the intent of influencing their opinion in a case. Yet no protester has been arrested since protests began, after the draft Supreme Court opinion was leaked that signals the Court is about to overturn Roe v. Wade. Despite the clear language in the law, Coons simply says we need to strike the right balance between freedom of speech and the Justice’s safety.

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At least one Democrat was willing to discuss what happened to Kavanaugh last week, but it had to be done on Fox. All the other networks acted as if it never happened. Why do you think this is? And should the people that are protesting at the homes of the Supreme Court Justices be arrested?

Stacey Warner

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