Liberal firebrand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) blasted her fellow Democrats in Congress for using the end of Roe v Wade as a tool for fundraising and getting people out to vote.
Representative Ocasio-Cortez blitzed her own party in the last few days, on Sunday taking her case to MSNBC’s “Meet the Press” where she told Chuck Todd that the current abortion “crisis” calls President Biden’s own leadership into question.
AOC told Todd, “What I believe that the president and the Democratic Party needs to come to terms with is that this is not just a crisis of Roe, this is a crisis of our democracy … this is a crisis of legitimacy and President Biden must address that.”
AOC on Meet the Press: "What I believe that the president and the Democratic Party needs to come to terms with is that this is not just a crisis of Roe, this is a crisis of our democracy … this is a crisis of legitimacy and President Biden must address that"
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) June 26, 2022
During the same interview, AOC told Todd that Kavanaugh and Barrett both committed “impeachable offenses” by lying to Senators Joe Manchin and Susan Collins when they asked them about Roe v Wade during their confirmations. She most likely meant Justice Gorsuch as well, who was also confirmed during President Trump’s time in office and told the Senators he didn’t intend to challenge the ruling.
AOC also called out Justice Thomas separately for his wife Ginni’s close ties to the RNC and former President Trump’s campaign to overturn the 2020 election.
.@AOC says Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Thomas committed impeachable offenses, " I believe lying under oath is an impeachable offense and violating federal law and not disclosing income from political organizations as Clarence Thomas did is also potentially an impeachable offense."
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) June 26, 2022
That was not her only attack against her own party members, though. The contentious Congresswoman took to Twitter on Sunday to criticize her fellow Democrats, specifically those who used the issue as a fundraising tool.
The Congresswoman declared that these Democrats need to “rethink their priorities” instead of just playing politics like usual. She suggested the funds should go to front-line organizations helping women who are seeking abortions in anti-abortion states instead of political war chests for big name Democrats.
And if you are a lawmaker who, in the time between the leak & ruling, spent more manpower on a fundraising plan than a policy response, then I highly recommend rethinking your priorities.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 26, 2022
Our job right now is to protect people. Doing so will drive the vote more than browbeating.
.@AOC on fundraising off Roe:
— Brennan Murphy (@brenonade) June 25, 2022
“It’s not helpful, a lot of those funds should be used to go to abortion funds or go to real real frontline members who’s seats really mean the difference.”
“Yes, we need to vote- but ‘Go Vote’ is like way too broad and not helpful. We need to focus on the races that really really matter.” —@AOC
— Brennan Murphy (@brenonade) June 26, 2022
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was one of the Democrats to try and capitalize on the rage around Roe v Wade. She was widely criticized for sending an email shortly after the decision was made asking for $15 for her own campaign despite being a shoe-in for the 2022 elections in November.
Less than an hour after the repealing of Roe V. Wade Nancy Pelosi uses it to ask for more donations. (2022)
— crazy ass moments in american politics (@ampol_moment) June 24, 2022
Congresswoman AOC and her fellow socialist Democrats have drawn a hard line against their own party on the issue. So far, their stance seems to be working in their favor, gaining significant traction online and in the media. Do you think they can shame the Democrat leadership into action or are their pleas falling on deaf ears?