Here in the United States, we have been grappling with the issue of whether it is fair and safe to allow trans women and girls to participate in sports with women and girls. There is also the issue of everyone feeling safe in bathrooms. In France, they are grappling with another issue regarding people who choose to transform their gender.
Medically assisted reproduction, like in vitro fertilization or IVF, is often covered by French healthcare. Currently, women who transition to men and change their gender to male in the French civil registry are considered men and are not eligible for medically assisted reproduction under the French law, which says only male and female couples, female couples and single women are eligible, reports Nice-Maten.
This law is being challenged. The lawyer for Information and Action Group on Reproductive and Sexual Issues (GIAPS), Magaly Lhotel, has argued that the law as written at this time “undermines the principle of equality between women and men,” because some trans men have a uterus.
Spain has already granted trans men the ability to access medically assisted reproduction. This right was granted in November 2021.
Spain’s Socialist Govt Grants Free IVF to Transgenders, Lesbians, Single Women
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 5, 2021
In Spain today, single women, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people can receive medically assisted reproduction in the public health system, where it is performed free of charge. The granting of this right was part of the socialist government’s effort toward equality. Health Minister Carolina Darias said the granting of the right amounted to a “restitution of rights — rights that never should have been denied.”
Back in France, the government is opposed to the idea of allowing trans men access to government-funded medically assisted reproduction. Antoine Pavageau, who represents the government, “argued that the GIAPS request to change the criteria of eligibility would be ‘recognizing a new sexual category, male for civil status, and female for access to medical assistance in procreation,'” reports Breitbart. He argues that “[c]ertainly, transgender men who have changed their civil status are excluded but it is not a discrimination related to their sexual orientation or their status[.]” The French government’s position is that trans men can still access medically assisted reproduction if they are with a woman.
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So other countries are grappling with these issues, in different ways. In the United States, we won’t ever have to worry about the issue that Franch and Spain are dealing with, as long as we make sure never to allow the “socialist Democrats” to get in power and start “universal healthcare.” Do you think that could ever happen in the United States?