Star Witness Cassidy Hutchinson Caught With a Text Calling Jan 6 Committee ‘BS’

Cassidy Hutchinson being questioned at hearing before the Jan. 6 committee
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Democrats became quite giddy when the Jan 6 Committee announced recently that they were going to have an emergency hearing. They held back what it would be about, in an effort to increase the dramatic effect. Then, after 25-year-old Cassidy Hutchinson testified, they acted like they’d had a “gotcha” moment about former President Trump.

Early last week, the House Select Committee to investigate January 6 had former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows’ top aid Cassidy Hutchinson testify at an unscheduled hearing. Her testimony was largely hearsay. For example, she told the committee that “she was told” that President Donald Trump tried to grab the wheel of his vehicle from a Secret Service agent to force him to drive to the Capitol. She added being told “something to the effect of,” a phrase she used throughout her testimony, that Trump lunged for someone’s neck.

While Democrats and many in the media gleefully pronounced that Hutchinson’s testimony would be just what they needed to prove that Trump incited the January 6 protests at the Capitol, Republicans knew better. Trump immediately denied what Hutchinson said and others came forward and said those things never happened.

Now, some text messages have come out that show Cassidy Hutchinson’s real feelings about the Jan 6 Committee. She refers to the committee and its actions as “this bs,” reports the Daily Caller.

“On Feb 1. Hutchinson sent a text to a conservative activist with connections to the First Amendment Fund, which is a group started by the American Conservative Union that helps Trump officials cover costs for Jan. 6 lawyers. Matt Schlapp said Hutchinson approached CPAC for help through the First Amendment Fund. Schlapp said he is happy they did not end up assisting her because she was relaying White House ‘hallway gossip as fact,’” the Daily Caller explains.

Hutchinson specifically texted the following: “I had to accept service because the U.S. Marshalls came to my apartment last Wednesday, but I haven’t made contact with the Committee. I’m just on a tight timeline and just trying to figure out what my options are to deal with this bs.”

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Not only does Hutchinson believe the Jan 6 committee is “bs, but” her testimony to the committee was also “bs.” The reason real courts of law don’t accept hearsay is that it’s unreliable but for a handful of exceptions, none of which apply to Ms. Hutchinson. The emergency unscheduled hearing was a charade and nothing more. Do you think anything will come of it?

Stacey Warner

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