Marjorie Taylor Greene Hits Back at Newsweek Over “Lies”

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Firebrand Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene hit back at Newsweek over “lies” they published to try and tie her to a conspiracy about the recent July 4th parade shooting.

Newsweek published an article earlier this week about a statement Rep Greene, better known as MTG, made about the mass shooting in Chicago.

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According to the article, MTG had suggested that the gunman Robert Crimo was part of a liberal-led gun control effort to scare conservatives into supporting their bill. It went on to say that Rep. Greene had claimed they performed a “false flag” operation by targeting an Independence Day parade to get otherwise pro-Second Amendment voters to support bans on firearms.

Marjorie Taylor Greene was quick to fire back at the allegations in both a tweet as well as a letter to the paper itself demanding a retraction. Her tweet said that Newsweek owes her an apology for trying and creating a conspiracy theory around her.

“Newsweek owes me an apology and correction for the lies they published about me today. Freedom of press does not give you the right to constantly blatantly lie and twist my words creating your own conspiracy theories about me.”

The Tweet also included a copy of the letter sent from Rep Greene’s congressional office to the paper demanding a retraction with more specifics as to what they got wrong.

According to the letter, Greene did “wonder aloud” about the coincidental timing of the multiple shootings on the 4th of July, but at “no time did she state of claim these events were part of a false flag.”

MTG’s exact quote on the issue, according to her letter was, “Two shootings on July 4th: one in a rich white neighborhood and another at a fireworks display. It almost sounds like its designed to persuade Republicans to go along with more gun control.”

She also questioned why the shooting occurred at the beginning of what she referred to as “MAGA Month” instead of taking place during Pride Month at multiple gay pride parades.

Marjorie Taylor Green has become a favorite focal point of the liberal media ever since taking office. Do you think Newsweek owes her an apology for publishing false information or was their summary about her statements accurate?

Marjorie Taylor Greene Hits Back at Newsweek Over “Lies”

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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