Rock Star Ted Nugent Blasts Trump Haters

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Conservative rock star Ted Nugent went on the attack against all the Trump haters across the nation over the weekend.

Nugent sat down for an interview with Real America’s Voice News where is tore into the United States government as well as the consequences that Trump hate has caused for our country.

The “Catch Scratch Fever” singer knocked the US government for being “horrible, treacherous, and treasonous”. He offered the examples of the government sending “billions of dollars of state of the art military weaponry to the Taliban” as well as when Nancy Pelosi “ripped up the State of the Union Address behind the greatest president”.

The Nuge then started listing things that he believes make Donald Trump the greatest president of all time, like “secure borders”, “the lowest unemployment”, “stopping the flow of Mexican drug cartels into America”, and “energy independence”.

“It’s unbelievable that people are just maniacally drunk on hate towards Donald Trump! Do you know what they really hate? They hate America!”

Nugent offered his logic to how hating Trump is equivalent to hating America, saying “If you hate Donald Trump, you hate secure borders. And if you don’t have secure borders, you have an insecure country. Which makes you really really bad.”

Ted Nugent has often stirred up controversy with his outspoken support of conservative Republicans, especially former President Trump.

In a recent tweet, Ted Nugent again blasted Trump haters as the “enemies of mankind”, saying their hate ushered in a “catastrophe for America and the world”, presumably referring to the presidency of Joe Biden.

He has also referenced the Taliban receiving support from the US government as well as the government’s gun running schemes to Mexican drug cartels in another recent tweet from June 4th. In it he tied the two issues to the constitutional ban of alcohol and the federal government’s historical abuse of the IRS.

Ted Nugent has no fear of possible backlash from the left, possibly because he became famous and successful before “woke” ever became a thing. Do you think he is right that hate for Donald Trump is what led us to the current predicaments our country is facing?

Rock Star Ted Nugent Blasts Trump Haters

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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