Woke Mob Led by Buttigieg Attacks Zakaria Over Pronouns

Fareed Zakaria
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An angry woke mob led by Chasten Buttigieg, the husband of Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, descended upon CNN host Fareed Zakaria over a recent Washington Post article.

Last week Zakaria published an Op-ed in the Washington Post in which he told Democrats to “forget pronouns” and instead focus on tangible achievements. The piece was titled “Forget Pronouns: Democrats need to become the party of building things.”

In the article Zakaria stressed that Democrats immediately need to shift attentions away from things like trans rights and other woke issues and instead try to “make government work for people” adding that it “was more important to most Americans than using the right pronouns.”

Despite the good intentions of the CNN host, the woke mob led by Buttigieg himself acted almost immediately after the article’s publication.

Chasten tweeted, “Addressing someone by the name/pronoun they prefer is free, easy, and kind. Using them builds community and belonging. Democrats can walk and chew gum. We can fix roads and build bridges while also making it a little easier to go about your life. That’s called freedom.”

He continued, “It is wildly inappropriate to instruct Democrats to toss aside an entire group of Americans in order to win. Democrats are making historic investments and bold moves while proposing life-saving and democracy-strengthening legislation that republicans continue to vote no on.”

Another Twitter user declared, “Let someone address you inappropriately and see how that works for you. In case you weren’t ever taught by your mother, that’s called empathy. Try a little, it might just change your outlook for the better.”

A third Twitter user suggested that Zakaria may be actually targeting Pete Buttigieg for being gay.

They wrote, “Imagine writing this when our gay Transportation Secretary will be overseeing a $1.2 trillion investment in our infrastructure, a.k.a. building things. What’s your issue with Mayor Pete, Fareed?”

By that evening the WaPo capitulated to the pressure from the radical left, changing the title of Zakaria’s piece to simply read “Democrats need to become the party of building things”.

Recently CNN ordered their anchors to take a less liberal spin than in the past and even be willing to criticize the Democrat party. Do you think Zakaria was just trying to follow orders or does he really have a problem with Pete?

Woke Mob Led by Buttigieg Attacks Zakaria Over Pronouns

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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