Furious Manchin Hits Republicans For Saying Bill will Raise Taxes

Manchin Criticizes Republicans
Manchin Criticizes Republicans
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Joe Manchin, the Senator from West Virginia, is in a lot of hot water these days after he agreed to sign on to a massive Democrat spending bill despite the country being in the middle of a recession and tens of trillions of dollars in debt.

The Senator, who has long been known as a moderate Democrat, has been defending his decision to sign onto the so-called Inflation Reduction Act across multiple media platforms this week. It all came to a head, though, when a new report being pushed by Republicans shows the bill would actually raise taxes on Americans earning under $400,000 per year.

Manchin went of FOX News on Tuesday to try and push back against that report, calling it an outright lie.

“I’m saying Americans $400,000 and below now are going to be taxed,” host Harris Faulkner told Manchin.

 “That’s wrong. That’s wrong,” Manchin shot back.

“Their taxes are going to go up,” Faulkner retorted, not accepting the Senator’s assertion.

“That’s a lie. That is a pure, outright lie!” he responded angrily.

The report Faulkner was referencing came from the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation. The committee was responding to a request by Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee for an analysis on the bill.

The report contends that, while the bill doesn’t raise taxes directly on Americans earning under $400,000 annually, the 15 percent corporate minimum tax it will put in place could cause companies to pass on the new expenses to consumers.

Earlier this year Manchin found himself as the most powerful politician in America, often casting the deciding vote on whether or not Biden’s agenda can move forward. Since supporting the new bill, though, it appears that position may have changed. Do you think the decision to endorse this bill could cost Manchin his Senate seat?

Furious Manchin Hits Republicans For Saying Bill will Raise Taxes

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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