NOT FIT TO SERVE: Biden’s Latest Sign of Dementia is Utterly Embarrassing

NOT FIT TO SERVE: Biden’s Latest Sign of Dementia is Utterly Embarrassing
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At first, the “Biden dementia” jokes were humorous, but now, they are very concerning and no longer jokes. During an event this week, one of Biden’s actions alarmingly resembled that of a person with dementia, and Twitter users are sounding the alarm. 


Joe Biden’s latest gaffe in front of the world is again fueling major concerns about his cognitive abilities. 

According to FOX News, while speaking at the White House this week, Biden looked lost while expecting a handshake from Schumer, despite the two having just shaken hands seconds before.


Responding to the video, Tea Party Patriots wrote on Twitter, “Joe Biden is not mentally fit to serve as President of the United States.”




Another Twitter user said, “It’s just sad at this point.”


While he was speaking at the podium, Biden was also coughing so much that he could barely get through his speech. It should also be noted that he was directly coughing into his hands, then touching his face. 


Then, Biden was unmasked and shaking hands with attendees. This all comes after he recently finished self-isolating after testing positive for the virus. 

(Biden’s Hilarious video clip)

As noted by The Washington Examiner, this week’s handshake mishap is not the first time Biden has appeared to wait for a handshake, as he seemingly turned to shake hands with no one after a speech in Tel Aviv, Israel, last month.


Biden is the oldest U.S. president ever elected and in November, he will be 80 years old. For reference, Donald Trump is currently 76 years old. Even though they are close in age, they are on completely different levels – both mentally and physically. America deserves a strong President who radiates strength – not one who looks like he needs a walker and a nurse. 

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