Jennifer Granholm’s administration plans to fight inflation by spending MORE of your Hard Earned Money. A lot of people are saying that it’s not really going to do anything.
On Sunday, energy secretary Jennifer Granholm made a series of gaffes on CNN’s “State of the Union” when she was quizzed by host Brianna Keilar about the Inflation Reduction Act. Granholm, who only took up her post last week, appeared to be unaware of the key details of the bill, and was repeatedly corrected by Keilar.
According to the Daily Caller, The comments came after Keilar noted that there are three studies that show the Biden Administration’s Inflation Reduction Act will have no major impact on inflation and many major items in the bill will not take effect until 2023 or later, a clip of which was shared on Twitter. “So what specifically will this bill do to lower costs for Americans right now?” Keiler asked Granholm.
CNN: “What, specifically, will [the Bidenflation Scam] do to lower costs for Americans right now?”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 14, 2022
Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm: "If you install an electric vehicle charging station in your home, you can also get a tax credit!"
It’s unclear whether Granholm could hear herself during the clip, as her comments were so beyond out of touch that it’s hard to believe she knowingly said them out loud.
Daily Caller’s Mike Bastasch commented on Twitter saying, “Jennifer Granholm wants you to believe spending tens of thousands of dollars on “green” home improvements, solar panels and an EV in exchange for some tax credits will lower your cost of living today,”
Jennifer Granholm wants you to believe spending tens of thousands of dollars on “green” home improvements, solar panels and an EV in exchange for some tax credits will lower your cost of living today. 🤔
— Mike Bastasch (@MikeBastasch) August 14, 2022
The average cost of an electric car hit $66,000 in July, according to Electrek, meaning that families would have to spend that money or a similar amount on other home improvements in order to receive a tax credit. Keiler was quick to pick up on the bizarre nature of Granholm’s comments, and explained to her that the people who can spend money on such things “aren’t the ones who are living paycheck-to-paycheck, and inflation is hitting the most.”
Nancy Pelosi also recently spoke about the bill and said something Bizarre,
According to Fox News, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Republicans who opposed the Inflation Reduction Act voted against “Mother Earth.”
NANCY PELOSI: "Mother Earth gets angry from time to time, and this legislation will help us address all of that."
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 13, 2022
House Democrats passed the $739 billion Inflation Reduction Act on Friday without any Republican votes, giving President Biden’s domestic agenda a boost at a time of record high inflation and low presidential job approval numbers.
Republicans who opposed the bill argued that it is packed with unnecessary spending and will not address rising inflation with many citing a report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office that said the legislation will have a “negligible” effect on inflation.
President Biden is expected to sign the bill next week when he returns from vacation in South Carolina.
Like most things the Democrats touch, this bill is going to make things worse not better. When will they learn that throwing money at an issue will not magically fix things. Joe Biden and his incompetent administration are making inflation even worse during this recession and every American should be concerned about it