SHOCKING! Unhinged teachers union defends this VILE ad labeling parents as extremists

SHOCKING! Unhinged teachers union defends this VILE ad labeling parents as extremists
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Education has become a left-wing indoctrination camp for our youth in this country. Parents who speak out against the woke curriculum are met with malice by teachers rather than compassion. Now, an Education Association went further, and demonized parents in an ad. Using images of angry parents, the advertisement manipulates them to make them look worse. It is a travesty that parents’ concerns for their own children are being twisted into this type of propaganda. Just wait until you see it.

Well if you thought educators in our country couldn’t get any crazier than you’re wrong. Parents are no longer able to speak out without expectation of vile pushback.

According to the Daily Wire, In a jarring ad, the state’s teachers union portrays concerned parents as “extremists.”

This advertisement was released by the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) on Monday. Parental concerns about curriculum materials in classrooms are portrayed as extremists in the ad, which is currently airing, as pointed out by one Twitter user.

Courtesy of NJEA via YouTube

Parents’ rights organizations and Republicans blasted the NJEA for slandering parents in the ad.

The New Jersey Republican Party wrote on Twitter Tuesday, “If protecting our children from Phil Murphy’s insane sex ed standards is ‘extreme,’ then we wear this as a badge of honor, @NJEA,”

The State Assembly’s Republican caucus also responded to the ad on Twitter saying, “Hey, @NJEA. Concerned parents who show up at school board meetings are not ‘extremists.’ THEY’RE PARENTS!”

In the ad, Republican State Senator Ed Durr blasts the NJEA for being “out of touch” with parents’ concerns about sexual content in schools.

According to his statement on Tuesday, “Despite what the NJEA says, parents are not extremists for expressing concerns about curriculum mandates or wanting to have a voice in their children’s education,” “It’s another example of the NJEA being out of touch with parents and totally tone deaf to their concerns that sensitive topics such as sex education and gender identity are not appropriate for young kids. Frankly, the NJEA is taking an extreme position by attacking parents instead of listening to them.”

Building Education for Students Together’s Laura Zorc told the Daily Caller., “Defaming parents as ‘extremists’ for standing up for their children is right out of Merrick Garland and Randi Weingarten’s playbook,”

“New Jersey’s parents deserve better than this NJEA slander – standing up for your children is NOT a political point, it is a parent’s responsibility. The NJEA should be ashamed for pretending they care more about children than their parents.”

This ad from NJEA comes after New Jersey Republicans introduced a parents’ rights bill in May.

According to The Daily Wire, Senate Bill 2648 was introduced into the legislative record by New Jersey State Senator Edward Durr. For students in grades K-6, the bill prohibits schools from teaching courses on sex and gender identity. Additionally, students in grades 7-12 must obtain their parents’ permission before receiving such instruction.

Earlier this year, Durr co-sponsored two bills authored by Republican State Senators Joe Pennacchio and Mike Testa: one would ban Critical Race Theory from being taught in New Jersey schools; a second would eliminate the requirement for diversity and inclusion classes to be taught in grades K-8 starting in 2022-23. All three bills are unlikely to pass New Jersey’s Democratic State Legislature.

It’s unfortunate that these bills are unlikely to pass and even more unfortunate that Democrats want to empower teachers to talk about sex with your children. It’s sick and more conservative leaders need to step up and stop this type of indoctrination. The NJEA is proof that the concerned parents will no longer be taken seriously and instead be called extremists.

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