Watch this MSNBC Hack Desperately Try Spin FACTS Just To Blame Trump

Watch this MSNBC Hack Desperately Try Spin FACTS Just To Blame Trump
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Yamiche Alcindor’s attempt to become a spin doctor, has failed epically. We have the cringeworthy video of her attempt to spin Biden’s failures onto Trump yet again.

Record inflation, an economy in a recession, rising gas prices, but somehow it is Trump’s fault? The democrats don’t know how to accept facts and admit when there is a problem. The left will lie, cheat and change literary definitions when needed to make it appear that they are always in the right. 

Daily caller writes. During a Monday appearance, MSNBC contributor Yamiche Alcindor asserted Americans are afraid of former President Donald Trump, causing the country to go off track.

Let’s watch.

According to Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies’ poll released Sunday for NBC News, 74% of Americans believe the country is on the “wrong track.”

When it comes to truth the left often has a problem telling it.

Next news network reports. A new NBC poll spells nothing but trouble for Democrats this November and in 2024.  In total, the poll found, 55 percent of Americans now disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing, while just 42 percent approve.

Also, Sixty-eight percent of the 1,000 Americans surveyed for the poll said they believe the United States is already in a recession despite the Joe Biden’s attestations.

Let’s watch.

The left always finds a way to try and blame Trump, most attempts end up being horrendous, and hilarious failures. Yet, most Democrats when in private and have a time to think on it disagree with the direction Biden has brought us, and are scared of what the economy will do. Meanwhile, everyone on the right has know this would happen since day one.

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