NEVER ENOUGH: After Biden Bends The Knee to The Radical Left, They Come Back For Blood

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After Joe Biden announced that he would cancel up to $20,000 in student loans per borrower, liberals slammed the PResident, claiming his proposal does not go far enough.

“@POTUS just canceled $10,000 in student loan debt. And $20,000 for Pell Grant students,” Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California posted on Twitter. “That’s a huge accomplishment. Still, I’d love to see him do more. Canceling $50,000 for all would fire up our economy and keep doors of higher education open to all. Let’s get this done!

Democratic Rep. Nina Turner of Ohio was less enthusiastic about Biden’s proposal, which forgives up to $10,000 in debt for those earning $125,000 or less and up to $20,000 of debt for Pell Grant recipients.

“PPP loans canceled: $700B,” she tweeted. “Student debt canceled: $200B. @POTUS can do better.”

“If SoFI, a student loan refinancing company, could give its CEO a 92% raise last year paying him a grand total of $103 million in compensation and spend $625 million to put its name on the LA Rams football stadium, you know what President Biden can do?” Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, an independent socialist, tweeted. “Cancel all student debt.”

However, these liberals don’t speak for the rest of the country who will be paying for this “debt cancellation”, especially Americans who have either paid off their student loans by working hard, or those who never even went to college in the first place.

Here’s what some New Yorkers had to say about Biden’s plan.

The radical left will never be satisfied. They want everything to be free, and they don’t care who has to pay for it. We’ve seen the consequences of their policies in countries like Venezuela and Cuba. If we’re not careful, they’ll bring that same destruction here to the United States. We need to stand up against these radicals and protect our country and our way of life.

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