An outrageously racist woke teacher who was caught bragging about how she discriminates against white students in her classroom. This is a story that you’re not going to want to miss.
It’s no secret that the left is obsessed with race. They love to talk about it, analyze it, and use it as a way to further their own agenda. Now, a teacher in Utah has been caught bragging about how she purposely marginalizes white students in her classroom. This is absolutely unacceptable, and conservatives everywhere need to speak out against this type of racism. The teacher should be fired immediately!
Townnhall reports. The Granite School District in Utah has placed a woke fourth grade teacher on leave and is investigating after she posted a video on social media boasting about how her classroom was built for students of color.
Early this month, the teacher in question posted a video explaining that no white students are present in her classroom.
“For the first time in my life, I’m going to be teaching at a majority white school. And I’m kind of interested to see how students and parents react to my classroom or if they even notice anything about it,” she said in the video.
Let’s Watch.
This 4th grade teacher @WilliamPennEl explains that her classroom “is built for non-white students.”
— 👁 Inside The Classroom (@EITC_Official) August 20, 2022
The school has taken down its twitter account since the teacher posted the video, but released a statement instead. According to reports, the teacher has since removed the video and apologized. An investigation was launched by the school district, however.
William Penn Elementary Principal Dr. Nicole Higgins issued a statement regarding the video on Sunday. “Earlier this afternoon, a very disconcerting social media post from one of our employees came to our attention. The post addressed ideas surrounding inclusion and content for students,” the statement said. William Penn Elementary is committed to ensuring that every student feels safe and welcome within its classrooms. Higgins said that if any employee makes students feel unwelcome in any way, shape, or form, the district will take appropriate corrective action once the investigation is completed. Meanwhile, the school’s official Twitter account has been suspended.

In classrooms across the country, woke teachers and students are taking actions against white students.

Next News Network reported. UC Berkeley’s “Person of Color Theme House” bans white people from common areas in order to “avoid white violence and presence.” According to the alleged house rules, residents must inform other tenants whenever they bring white guests.
If you bring white guests, please respect the decision of the POC members who moved there to avoid violence and white presence. Residents are also expected to make sure their guests “understand our house values and uphold the theme of the house.”
This woke, racist teacher needs to be fired immediately. It’s appalling that she would boast about how her classroom is built specifically for non-white students. This isn’t some well-meaning educator who wants to create a more diverse and inclusive learning environment – this is someone who is actively working against racial equality. We should not stand for this kind of blatant racism in our schools, and I urge everyone reading this to demand that this teacher be terminated immediately.