Biden Wants CIVIL WAR – Goes Off-script, Taunts Gun Owners in threatening rant

Biden Wants CIVIL WAR - Goes Off-script, Taunts Gun Owners in threatening rant
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On Tuesday, Joe Biden taunted American gun owners who would refuse to give up their guns to Democrats. His comment was so off-script and so alarming, that we can’t help but think what he actually meant by it. 

On Tuesday at an event in Pennsylvania for Biden’s ‘Safer America Plan’ to “reduce gun crime,” Biden went off-script and mocked supporters of the Second Amendment.

Biden said “brave right-wing Americans” would need something more than a gun if they wanted to take on the government.

This isn’t the first time Biden has said something like this.

Last year, as reported by The Sun, Biden said if you wanted to take on the Government, you would need F-15s and nuclear weapons.

Just as a reminder, The Second Amendment reads — “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Biden’s entire speech yesterday was to address the rising crime in the country, because he allegedly wants us to be safe. However, his message to gun owners signaled that war would break out if people refused to comply with his radical policies. Again, another example of how his “unity” message was complete bull.  

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