Americans Reveal IRS Horror Ahead As Targets Of Biden’s Tyranny Becomes Clear

Americans Reveal IRS Horror Ahead As Targets Of Biden’s Tyranny Becomes Clear
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The recent Inflation Reduction Act signed by Joe Biden provides funding for 87,000 new IRS agents. Despite Joe Biden claiming his IRS goons are going after the mega rich, a new poll shows otherwise.

It seems that middle income Americans are the biggest target of Joe Biden’s IRS army!

According to The Post Millennial, As a result of a new poll released on Tuesday, the majority of Americans believe that hiring 87,000 new Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents would be used to audit middle and low income Americans, or to target Washington’s political opponents and the Biden administration’s opponents. 

For the Convention of States Action, the Trafalgar Group polled 1,092 likely general election voters between August 19 and 23. “President Biden just signed a law that allows the IRS to hire 87,000 new employees. How do you think these new employees will be used?”

A majority of Democrats, 49.8 percent, said the new hires would target wealthy Americans and large corporations. Among the new hires, 14.8% said they would target middle-income Americans and small businesses, while 10.8% said they would target political opponents.

A majority of Republicans, 50.6 percent, said the new hires would target middle income Americans and small business owners. 18.9 percent said the new hires would target political opponents, while 15.9 percent said the new hires would audit the wealthy. Tulsi Gabbard recently went on Fox to discuss the new IRS plan.

SOURCE 2. According to Time, The Inflation Reduction Act was signed by Biden on August 16. The $739 billion spending plan includes roughly $78 billion for the IRS, which will be phased in over 10 years, 

Time reports that these roughly 87,000 new hires would not be IRS agents, and a majority of these positions would fill vacant or soon to be vacant positions, netting the agency roughly 20,000 to 30,000 more employees.

It’s clear that the IRS is not going to be targeting wealthy individuals alone or just the top 1%. If they were then they wouldn’t need 87,000 agents. The democrats are doing what they always do, targeting middle class Americans.

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