Andrew Cuomo is trying to crawl back out of the rock he has been hiding under since he was exposed assaulting females, let’s see what stunt this creep is up to.
In the aftermath of Andrew Cuomo’s spectacular failures and what he did to the nursing home residents during the virus crisis, it was his accusations of assault against women that led him to resign. With a lawsuit against the state’s attorney general, Cuomo is trying to make a comeback.

Washington Examiner writes. Andrew Cuomo filed an ethics complaint against Letitia James, the state’s attorney general.
Cuomo alleged James intentionally misled the public about sexual assault allegations against him and exploited the inquiry for her own political and personal gain. He claimed that James’s report on 11 sexual assault allegations against him repeatedly implied that he was guilty despite the investigation itself finding that most of the accusations did not constitute sexual assault. Two of the attorney general’s hand-picked aides: Joon Kim and Anne Clark, are also named in his complaint.
This lawsuit is probably the signal for Andrew Cuomo launching his political comeback.

Politico reports. Andrew Cuomo resigned as New York governor amid scandal last August, but his confidantes say he’s plotting his comeback.
In interviews with a dozen former aides and allies, they characterized the three-term governor as still stewing over what he believes was his forced resignation, and they say he’s been conferring with some of them to determine his best course. Cuomo is designing a plan to vindicate himself, the former aides and his attorney say, over what he views as a politically driven report by state Attorney General Letitia James that corroborated claims he sexually harassed 11 women, including subordinates, and forced him from office.
We hope Andrew Cuomo stays in forced retirement, as the state of New York is better off without him – after Kathy Hochul is gone at least. What he allegedly did to those women, should bar him from public office forever.
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