Denver To Pay People $2,000 A Month But You Need To Check off These 2 Boxes First

Denver To Pay People $2,000 A Month But You Need To Check off These 2 Boxes First
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 Another liberal city is getting ready to reward it’s homeless people with cash payments, and an even higher reward if they happen to be transgender.

What could possibly go wrong? That seems to be the question on the minds of the Denver City Council as they prepare to reward people $2,000 a month to be homeless and trans. Critics are already accusing city officials of trying to create a “social experiment” with taxpayer money, and it’s not hard to see why. With homelessness on the rise in Denver and across the country, this seems like a reckless way to spend taxpayer dollars. 

Daily wire writes. Denver plans to dole out free phones and $12,000 apiece to 140 homeless women and transgender and “non-binary” people over the next year as part of a bigger partnership with a local nonprofit, according to a report.

The money, which totals about $1.7 million, will come out of a $2 million fund from the federal American Rescue Plan Act under a plan the city council approved, according to Axios. The money comes with no strings attached and makes Denver the latest Democratic-run city to experiment with universal basic income.

Denver is not the only major city that is rolling out a universal basic income program.

Cook County in Illinois announced its largest guaranteed income program yet: A $42 million guarantee for thousands of Chicago-area families.

The Cook County Promise Guaranteed Income Pilot will provide $500 monthly cash payments to 3,250 low-income families for 24 months. It’s similar to many other city-based free money programs, which range from $200 to $2,000 a month for thousands of households, that offer a glimpse of what Universal Basic Income (UBI) can accomplish. There is ample evidence that direct cash payments and universal income foster both financial and social prosperity among lower-income communities, and can provide needed assistance to populations that are often left unassisted by government programs.

Denver is creating the environment it wants when it comes to incentivizing the homeless populations to migrate to their city. As we have seen in California, Chicago and other major liberal strongholds the homeless crisis just continues to intensify. 

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