Handlers on Clean Up Duty after Biden Botches Question about War with China

Handlers on Clean Up Duty after Biden Botches Question about War with China
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Joe Biden’s handlers are on clean up duty again after Biden did an interview and completely botched a question regarding Taiwan wanting independence from China. His latest gaffe is alarming, considering the tense relationship our country has with China right now. 

During an interview Sunday, Joe Biden said that the U.S. military would defend Taiwan if China launched an invasion. 

The Western Journal notes that Biden made the comments on CBS’ ‘60 Minutes’ program.

As such, Biden’s remarks represent the most direct indication yet of the U.S.’s willingness to intervene if something like a Chinese invasion occurred, diverging from decades of U.S. policy that avoided fully defending Taiwan, according to CBS. 

To be clear, the U.S. does not have formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Instead, the U.S. provides Taiwan with weapons for defense and providing training in the event of a possible Chinese invasion as part of its independent trade relationship.

After Biden’s interview, the White House was on clean up duty to clarify the President’s remarks. 

CBS notes that according to a White House official, U.S. policy on Taiwan has not changed. The U.S. maintains “strategic ambiguity” on whether American forces would defend Taiwan, but the Taiwan Relations Act obligates the U.S. to help equip Taiwan to defend itself.

Biden’s gaffes are no joke anymore. With rhetoric like that, he is going to start World War 3. He needs to step down from office immediately before he can do any more harm to our country. 

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