WATCH Kamala RUN When CONFRONTED on Her Racist Remarks on Hurricane Disaster Relief

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This is a breaking news story. Senator Kamala Harris has come under fire after the Vice President said that Hurricane Ian aid would be based on equity, not need. This has sparked outrage from many people who feel that this statement shows ZERO concern for those who are in need.

Many people are angry after VP Harris’ comments that taxpayer funded Ian aid will be based on equity. This implies that those who have more, will get less aid, and those who have less, will get more. This seems extremely unfair, and racist, to many people, and now she’s been confronted on the matter. Will everyone really be getting an equal amount of help? FEMA has the answer on that. But it’s clear she’s just pandering to a specific group of voters.

According to Townhall, At the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum, Harris said low-income communities and people of color will be the first to receive aid from so-called “climate change.”

Harris’ comments caused a wave of criticism, especially from Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (R-Fla) team.

“This is false. @VP’s rhetoric is causing undue panic and must be clarified. FEMA Individual Assistance is already available to all Floridians impacted by Hurricane Ian, regardless of race or background,” DeSantis’ press secretary Christina Pushaw said.

Even Tesla CEO and billionaire Elon Musk argued against Harris saying the funds “should be according to the greatest need, not race or anything else.”

On Sunday’s episode of Face the Nation, FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell responded to Kamala Harris’ claim that Hurricane Ian relief will prioritize “communities of color.”

Despite agreeing with Harris, Criswell stated that whites who need help will not be discriminated against.

When given the chance to clarify her racist comments on distribution of Hurricane disaster relief she flat out looked directly at the reporter and ignored him altogether.

Kamala Harris is a racist. Her comments about Hurricane Ian relief prioritizing “communities of color” are abhorrent and will cause people to suffer and die. It is unconscionable that she would make such comments and then refuse to clarify when given the chance. VP Harris does not deserve the title of Vice President and should be removed from her position immediately.

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