A voicemail from Joe Biden to his son obtained by the DailyMail reveals the president knew about Hunter’s drug-fueled meltdown when he bought a gun and lied about being a drug user.
According to the DailyMail, as Joe Biden pleaded with his son to get help in a voicemail left on Hunter’s abandoned laptop on October 15, he sounded close to tears.
Hunter Biden purchased a .38 caliber pistol from a Delaware gun store on October 12, 2018. Two weeks later, Hallie Biden, his lover and brother’s widow, found it ‘unlocked’ in his truck and threw it in the garbage. An investigation was launched after it was discovered.
An investigation into the incident is one of the potential crimes that federal authorities are considering charging the First Son with, according to a Washington Post report published Thursday.
Although Hunter claimed he did not use illegal drugs on the Firearm Transaction Record, he admitted in his memoir that he was a crack addict at the time. It is a felony to lie on a federal form and is punishable by a maximum 10 years prison and a $250,000 fine.

FBI officials believe they have enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with failure to declare income from his foreign business deals and failure to declare that he was a drug addict.
The Post reported that agents assembled enough evidence to bring a criminal case against First Son “months ago” – and federal prosecutors are now in charge of deciding whether to charge him.
It is alleged by the agents that Hunter failed to declare to the IRS income from his overseas business dealings.