These Dems Will Be PISSED When They Learn Where DeSantis Is Sending Illegal Aliens Next

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You won’t believe where Florida’s new governor is sending illegal aliens now. Can you imagine how pissed off the Democrats are going to be when they arrive? They’ll be in total meltdown mode.

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It looks like Florida’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, has a new plan to deal with all of the illegal aliens Biden is letting into the country. He’s picked two new Democrat strongholds for them to call home. I’m sure the Democrats will love that! The Dems are going to be furious when they find out about this! And We Can’t wait to report on their reactions!

Daily Caller writes. The Republican governor of Florida intends to send more migrants to two states considered Democratic strongholds. A DeSantis spokesperson said that the governor’s administration will send more migrants to Illinois and President Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware after sending nearly 50 immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard last month. According to the outlet, approximately 100 migrants will be distributed between the two states. As a result of the recent wrath of Hurricane Ian, relocation efforts were postponed until early October. According to the outlet, the deadline has been set for the first of December. Despite Florida’s response to catastrophic hurricane damages, Taryn Fenske, DeSantis Communications Director, told The AP that “the immigration relocation program remains active.”

The governor of Illinois recently declared a state of emergency over the illegal immigrants that were bussed to his state, as well as scathing remarks from America’s worst Mayor.

Next news network reported. Lori Lightfoot said she will meet with Biden administration officials about migrants arriving from Mexico. She told reporters during a press conference, “I’m going to Washington later this week and going to be sitting down with some of the folks to describe for them what the conditions are on the ground here in Chicago, but also make sure that federal help is coming.” She’s made it clear on more than one occasion that she’s not happy with the busloads of illegal immigrants sent to her city by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. She even went so far as to label him a “racist” and a “bad Christian.”

She told reporters, however, that she would “love to speak with Gov. Abbott.”


Can you believe it – Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, is sending illegal aliens to Biden’s own backyard. Sure, he might only be sending 100 migrants to Democratic strongholds Illinois and Delaware, but why stop there? Why not send 1000? Or why not send them all? It would be a great way for those states to live up to their sanctuary city status. And let’s face it – with Biden’s policies killing jobs and hurting our economy, why not send some extra hands to help out? Keep going, Governor DeSantis – we’re loving the fear you’re instilling in those Democrat politicians. Just wait until they see the migrants arrive on their doorsteps. Total meltdown mode, guaranteed.

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