AOC Desperate For More Attention, CAUGHT Splashing Extremist Woke Buzzwords EVERYWHERE

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AOC is out in the media again as she is trying to spread the left’s most favorite buzzword to scare voters to the polls. 

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AOC is not known for her brilliance, nor is she known for amazing bills, or even her ability to cross political aisles for the betterment of America. AOC is known for being a former bartender, who is a socialist. Yet, she has a huge social media presence, and constantly attempts to rile up her followers into a frenzy when she thinks her socialist goals are threatened. 

American outlook reports. Democrats now think that Republicans winning is fascism. It’s a tactic of fear, and that’s all they have left.

In an interview with MSNBC Friday, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said the United States is “facing an environment of fascism” similar to Jim Crow’s days.

Lets watch her lunatic statement

But AOC’s hypocrisy was recently shown to the world when she was exposed demanding something from New York Mayor Eric Adams .

Daily caller reports. Fox News host Tomi Lahren mocked Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Tuesday for criticizing a proposed tent city in her district.

Ocasio-Cortez took a shot at Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Friday over his plan to build a tent city in a Bronx parking lot that could house upward of 1,000 illegal migrants, according to the New York Daily News. Lahren responded to the congresswoman’s criticism during a “Fox and Friends First” segment Tuesday, alleging that Democrats are hypocrites when it comes to issues such as the border crisis.


Another day, another desperate plea for attention from AOC. In the face of dwindling support and flailing Democratic policies, it’s no wonder she’s resorting to fear mongering and buzzword-laden narratives in a last ditch effort to gain traction. But it’s a clear sign that they are losing – when all they can do is try to scare people into voting for them instead of offering real solutions. And AOC has proven time and time again that she has no interest in reaching across the aisle or finding common ground – she would rather rely on wild accusations and extremist rhetoric. It’s just further proof that the Democrat days are numbered and they know it. They are grasping at anything they can, but it’s too little too late. They should have focused less on trying to push a socialist agenda and more on actually serving the American people. They have failed, and their desperation is showing.

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