WTF: Raisin Bran Will Solve Inflation

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Joe Biden makes a claim so absurd on how to fight inflation, that it is literally difficult to report about it seriously.

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Biden is portrayed as a mastermind who cuts budgets and leads America along a path that makes millions richer. That is the image they portray, yet when he opens his mouth it is like a can of campbell’s alphabet soup is pouring out. 

American outlook reports. A reporter recently asked Biden about the economy, and Biden suggested that people are getting around inflation by buying generic raisin bran rather than Kellogg’s. Those millions of Americans struggling to put food on the table will not be comforted by that statement. In an interview with Nexstar Washington Correspondent Reshad Hudson, Biden blamed “packaged goods” for record inflation.

Despite food prices skyrocketing, the president insists that food in a box, such as Raisin Bran, is rising, not chickens and eggs.


One twitter user Clay Travis tweeted “ People can’t afford “name brand” cereal so they should just buy generic cereal is really Joe Biden’s answer to inflation issues for America’s families. Red tsunami coming.” 

He is 100% spot on

This is inline with the talking points that the Biden administration put out on what causes inflation. 

Daily caller writes. Alyssa Farah Griffin defended Republicans and corporations earlier this month against the panel’s attempt to blame inflation on Republicans and corporations.

Joy Behar argued that thirteen out of seventeen recessions in the past century occurred under Republican administrations.

Watch the exchange

Biden must think we are stupid. It is outrageous that Joe Biden would suggest that people are getting around inflation by buying generic raisin bran. This comment is a perfect example of how out of touch he is with the struggles of everyday Americans. Gas prices are at an all-time high, food shortages are becoming more common, and millions of people are struggling to make ends meet. Yet Biden has the audacity to suggest that we should be happy with generic raisin bran? This is just one more example of why we need Trump in office. He understands the struggles of the American people and will do whatever it takes to get our economy back on track. So if you’re fed up with the way things are going, make sure to vote red in November! Together, we can take our country back!

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