DEM Senator Calls For Investigation Into Twitter Bias Ahead Of Midterms

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To little to late, a Democrat senator is now calling for investigations into Twitter over supposed bias to “protect” election security. 

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Where was Democrat Senator Chris Murphy the last couple of years when Twitter was banning anyone who even smelled like a conservative? Yet now Senator Chris Murphy from Connecticut is demanding an investigation into twitter saying that foreign influence is a security risk.

Daily wire reports. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) called for an investigation into Twitter since a Saudi Arabian company linked to the nation’s ruling family is now the second-largest shareholder.

According to a statement released by the royal, Kingdom Holding Company and Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal’s private investment office own nearly 35 million shares of Twitter. As the website changes ownership, Murphy called for the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to examine Saudi Arabia’s potential role. Musk said he purchased the company to promote free expression and combat political polarization.

In a tweet Senator Chris Murphy wrote. “Today I am requesting the Committee on Foreign Investment — which reviews acquisitions of U.S. businesses by foreign buyers — to conduct an investigation into the national security implications of Saudi Arabia’s purchase of Twitter.”

As Murphy noted, both TikTok and Twitter, two of the most prominent American social media platforms, are owned by Saudi Arabia and China. “There is a clear national security issue at stake and CFIUS should do a review,” he continued. “This is a dangerous trend, and we don’t have to accept it.”

Next News network recently covered a story about big tech taking aim at twitter following the Musk take over.

As noted by Sociable, unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) Sustainable Development Impact Meetings discussed how to best control narratives during a panel on “Tackling Disinformation” last week.

There Fleming emphasized that the UN has partnered with a couple of big tech companies including Google, to control virus and climate narratives.

Long story short, when you search climate change on Google, you will only get globalist-approved information.

Where were the Democrats when big tech was censoring anyone and everyone they could in order to control the social media narrative? They were in the background controlling which strings were being pulled in order to only have their narrative front and center, and ruthlessly shutting down anyone who dissented with their opinions. Now that Elon Musk is promoting free speech on twitter, it appears that their narrative can collapse so they are going to do whatever they can to limit the platform, and impose draconian rules on it. Further, Chinese and other foreign interests have owned massive portions of social media platforms and there has been no Democrats that came out against it, so them doing so now is a major red flag.

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