In this video, I’m going to show you how NBC’s data guru is predicting a huge Republican victory in the November elections.
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I just wanted to share with you some breaking news that I think is really important. NBC’s data guru has come out and said that the Republicans are going to have a huge victory in the November elections. This could mean big things for our country, so make sure you watch this video all the way through so you don’t miss out on any of the details.
According to The Daily Caller. NBC data analyst Steve Kornacki said Monday that Republicans have “massive advantages” over Democrats ahead of the upcoming midterm election, citing a Gallup poll released Oct. 31. The economy topped the list of issues that respondents considered “extremely important,” with 49%, followed by abortion at 42%, crime at 40%, gun policy at 38%, and immigration at 37%.
Republicans held double-digit leads on the economy, crime and immigration, while Democrats held a 5% lead on gun policy, according to Kornacki.
Let’s Watch.

Recent polling is showing that Kornacki is right when it comes to predicting a red wave.
American Lookout writes, RealClearPolitics is projecting the GOP is on track to flip Senate races in Arizona, Georgia and Nevada, though its polling average shows Democrat Raphael Warnock leading Republican Herschel Walker in Georgia.
Even Rasmussen Polls report a massive swing towards the Republican Party this November. In a tweet they said “ 67% say it is likely that the GOP will win control of the House, including 38% who say that a Republican Majority is very likely in the house.”
It is both concerning and exciting to see the predictions of a red wave in the upcoming election. On one hand, it is great news for conservatives who have been fighting for years to take back control. On the other hand, it is concerning because the left will not give up without a fight. In order to make this red wave happen, conservatives need to get out and vote. The economy is in a terrible place right now and inflation is not under control. Gas prices are at record highs. If we can keep this momentum going, there is no reason we can’t take back the House and the Senate. However, we cannot let complacency set in. We need to do our part to make sure that we retake the house and senate to save America. Contact your local representatives and see how you can help. Get out and vote this November! Let’s make this red wave happen!
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