Biden’s Economy: Federal Reserve Makes Most DRASTIC MOVE IN RECENT HISTORY

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The war on Bidenflation rages on as the Fed tries to gain control over the American economy. 

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The Federal Reserve continues on with its war on Bidenflation. Finally someone who has the courage to stand up for the American people and start fighting back on these out of control and disastrous economic changes. 

Town Hall reports.  Fed Chairman Jerome Powell might as well call his battle against inflation “Beat Back Bidenflation” instead of Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better.”

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With Wednesday’s announcement of yet another rate hike, the target rate has reached a level that has not been seen in roughly 15 years. 

It is the sixth consecutive rate increase in 2022 and the fourth consecutive hike of 75 basis points. 


Throughout his countless actions, Biden assures us that his inflation policies will stop at nothing to destroy the American economy.

Daily wire reports. Kudlow said Biden repeatedly told falsehoods about the state of the economy on “Fox News Sunday,” such as that his administration inherited a weak economy from Donald Trump and that the economy is strong.


Jerome Powell might as well rename the Federal Reserve’s BBB campaign to “Beat Back Bidenflation.” With six hikes in the target rate this year alone, it’s clear that Powell is doing everything he can to curb inflation caused by President Biden’s reckless spending. Biden promised a recovery for middle class Americans, but instead we are facing skyrocketing prices and an increasing burden on borrowers. It’s no surprise that a former economic advisor to Trump has put Biden on BLAST for his irresponsible economic policies. As voters grow more worried about rising prices, they should also be concerned about Biden’s ability to lead our economy. It’s time for new leadership that will actually focus on fiscal responsibility and a stable market. Thank goodness we have Chairman Powell taking action – one can only hope it won’t be too little, too late.

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