Betrayal: Ex “TWO FACED” Staffer slams President Trump

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Another disgruntled ex-staffer is quick to slam President Trump for his political views. 

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A former Trump employee went on to criticize her former employer, making absurd claims. Truth, however, is known by the true Republicans. 

The Washington Examiner reports. The former White House Director of Strategic Communications in the Trump administration Alyssa Farah Griffin slammed her ex-boss after reports suggested he might announce his 2024 candidacy as early as Monday evening. She stated “He does not care about helping Republicans.”

Watch Griffin attempt to slam President Trump here.

The speculation surrounding Trump’s announcement in 2024 peaked on Monday morning, just Days before Election Day. Based on the former president’s recent statements, Jonathan Swan at Axios indicates they expect to announce sooner than expected.

Jonathan swan tweeted” Based on calls/texts all morning the trump vance rally in Ohio will be very closely watched by Republicans. Speculation has reached a point of absurdity at this point, but many Republicans of varying degrees of closeness to Trump are anticipating an accelerated announcement based on his recent private comments.”

There doesn’t seem to be anything deterring President Trump from making a much anticipated announcement despite what some ridiculous ex employees may think!

According to the New York Post, the line Trump recently said was the biggest hint so far that he may run for President again in 2024.

Trump was speaking at a rally in Texas when he delivered the line. Expectedly, the crowd went wild.

In regards to running for president in 2024, Donald Trump said, “I’ll probably have to do it again.”

Those who support and hate Trump have been watching with bated breath to find out whether or not he will announce his candidacy for president in 2024.

Alyssa Farrah Griffin is just the latest in a long line of disgruntled former Trump staffers to turn on their former boss. Is anyone really surprised by her sudden change of heart? Sure, it’s easy to play nice while you’re getting paid to be a part of the administration, but how quickly they turn as soon as they smell book deal money. Griffin may claim that Trump doesn’t care about the Republican party or helping Republicans, but actions speak louder than words. Under his leadership, we saw record-low unemployment for Black and Hispanic Americans and an overhaul of our broken criminal justice system. He fought for American workers and businesses against globalist interests and secured peace deals in the Middle East. Trump may not be perfect, but he’s proven time and time again that he puts America first – something career politicians like Griffin can never say. I wouldn’t put too much stock in her cowardly betrayal – she’s just trying to make a quick buck off her association with Trump. True Republicans know who has their back and will support Trump if he chooses to run again in 2024. Keep fighting for us, Mr. President – we’ve got your back.

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