BOOM: Conservative Growth In Major Areas SHOWS HUGE SUCCESS

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Even with the midterms not going as well as we hoped it appears that major ground has been gained for Republicans, and that can spell doom for the Democrat party. 

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While some ground was not gained that Republicans expected on election day, there was a massive trend that was observed following the elections. This trend of Black and Hispanic voters will have Democrats shook to their core. 

Daily wire writes. The 2022 midterm elections didn’t exactly go as expected for Republicans, but there was some good news in the data collected in exit polls.

While Democrats won 76% of black men’s votes in 2018, that margin was cut to 65% in 2022, giving the GOP an 11% boost. CNN’s exit poll data shows that Republicans also picked up 7% from black women.

In 2018, Democrats had a 29% edge among Latino men, but that dropped to just 8% in 2019. There was also a 14% increase in Latina women’s support.

Republicans also cut their margin of support from voters aged 18-29. In 2018, Democrats were +35% from that voting bloc, but that was cut to 28% in 2022. Support from 30-44 years old also went from +19 to +4.

This news comes after a recent report showed that women are heading towards Trump. 

Washington Examiner reported. 

Trump posted an article on his Truth Social page last Friday claiming that women “love and miss” having him in office, adding to speculation about a possible third presidential run.

An article from the Washington Post entitled “New Poll Shows Women LOVE & MISS Trump, Are Abandoning Dems In Double-Digit Landslide” was reposted by Trump, citing a recent poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal which showed white suburban women leaning more toward Republicans. Just days before Election Day, the crucial voting bloc favors Republican candidates for Congress by 15 points over Democrats.

It should shake Democrats to the very bedrock in which they place their failing parties’ core principals on that the messaging they are using is failing, where they once had massive leads. But, with a failing economy, inflation, and skyrocketing crime it should come as no surprise that african americans, hispanics, and women are shifting their support for the party that wants to keep money in their pocket, and their kids safe. If this trend continues we will see massive gains in the future for the Republican party.

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