Steve Scalise Calls Out Biden and Pelosi Over Climate Hypocrisy

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Steve Scalise goes scorched earth on Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi on their hypocritical stances on climate change. 

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While Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are jet setting around the world in their attempts to end usage of fossil fuels, they are setting a bad precedent while doing so. Good thing we have Steve Scalise

Breitbart reported. On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow,” House Minority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise stated that he wonders how big of a carbon footprint House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden are creating with their flights to the COP27 climate change summit in Egypt.

Let’s see his comments.

Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are not the only top Democrat climate change activists to leave a massive carbon footprint.

The blaze reports. Kamala Harris flew to New York in September to deliver a speech on climate change on a gas-guzzling jet, proving her hypocrisy to the fullest.

“This morning, I’m heading to Buffalo, New York to highlight how we are taking climate action, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act,” a tweet on Harris’s Twitter account declared.

During her speech in September, Harris declared, “Your generation knows the threat of the climate crisis, because you have lived it”

Let’s see the hypocritical comments.

Well at least we know their virtue signaling across the globe is on point. But they cannot deny the amount of fuel they are spending to end fossil fuels. Why doesn’t the left just heed the words of Scalise and begin to utilize the fuels that America has ready to go, even with electric vehicles half of the cars are built from plastics, and other materials that are made from fossil fuels. Absolutely bizarre way the world is going. 

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