The opening salvos and arguments in a major fight are just now being heard between top house republicans, the fate will determine where Congress will focus its efforts for the next 2 years.
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One of the most highly regarded and important jobs in the house is to be a majority whip. They are the ones who get the members to vote, or to determine how many votes they have on any issue. The whip also helps determine the course that the house will take and what direction politics will flow in.
Town Hall reports. Republicans seeking leadership positions have begun making their cases while control of the House remains uncertain. After a disappointing Tuesday night for Republicans, especially since the red wave never materialized, those changes might be affected. Perhaps nowhere will that be more evident than in the majority whip race between Rep. Tom Emmer, who chairs the National Republican Congressional Committee, and Rep. Jim Banks, who chairs the Republican Study Committee. The minority whip, Drew Ferguson, is also running for the position.

Jim Banks released his announcement for the position on Thursday in a letter he sent to other members of congress. Banks Stated “I am running to be majority whip for our entire conference. I’m asking for your support because I want to listen and to be your voice”
While banks made his statement on Thursday a similar statement was released earlier this week for Emmer’s contention.
Breitbart reports. After an underwhelming performance as chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee , Minnesota Congressman Tom Emmer announced his candidacy for House Republican Whip on Wednesday.
Emmer spoke to reporters after Tuesday’s midterm elections; although many races have yet to be called, the National Republican Congressional Committee chairman said Republicans will take back the House.

Emmer said that, as the Republican whip, he would empower members and utilize relationships to carry out a Republican agenda. “The whip’s job is really knowing the country and being able to work with members to say, look, we want you to be successful. How can we help you to be successful while at the same time allowing us to do the things that we need to do for the American people so that we can put this thing on a better track? It’s not rocket science. It’s about relationships and about making sure that people are empowered to do what they know is right and I think we’re going to have a great experience with it.”
Although the results of the midterms are not finalized, the Republican infighting has already begun. But massive agendas are on the table, and depending on who takes control as the Whip will have very wide ranging consequences. All of the investigations, and laws that we as conservatives want to get passed, will get the votes whipped by whomever becomes the whip. If we have a RINO in that place it is unlikely that anything will get done, and things will continue as normal. This will be an interesting thing to watch, and will act as a guide for what we can expect, or not expect from congress over the next 2 years.
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