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The rats on the sinking Biden ship are now fleeing as the first real consequence of the midterm election has just transpired.

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What do people  who know they are in the wrong, and are about to be exposed for their corruption do? They run away.

Townhall reports. U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Chris Magnus officially resigned his post on Saturday, a day after he told the media he planned to stay following being asked by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to step down or be fired.

In his resignation letter Chris Magnus stated “President Biden, Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Senate confirmed Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection over the past year. It has been a privilege and honor to be part of your administration. I am submitting my resignation effective immediately but wish you and your administration the very best going forward. Thank you again for this tremendous opportunity,”

A White House press release wen’t out accepting Magnus’s resignation. “The President has accepted the resignation of Christopher Magnus, the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.  President Biden appreciates Commissioner Magnus’ nearly forty years of service and the contributions he made to police reform during his tenure as police chief in three U.S. cities.  The President thanks Mr. Magnus for his service at CBP and wishes him well.”

Magnus was not popular with the rank-and-file of CBP, especially among Border Patrol, as they saw him mainly trying to “reform” CBP as opposed to focusing on dealing with the historic crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. It was reported Magnus didn’t attend many White House meetings about the situation at the southern border and had even fallen asleep during the few meetings he had attended.

Former Chief of Border Patrol Rodney Scott, who was forced to resign by the Biden administration, said Magnus’ forced resignation was karma.

the border patrol union’s response to Magnus’s resignation was priceless “He was so busy chasing imaginary “culture” problems in BP he forgot his primary job. Chasing unicorns only works if you convince people unicorns exist. BP doesn’t have a culture problem. It has a leadership problem, starting with Biden. Good riddance.”

Clearly Chris Magnus was more of a reformist, anti police activist that had absolutely no business being in charge of the CBP. As clearly stated in the acceptance of Magnus’s resignation,  the Biden administration chose him for that position for nearly 40 years of activist work at reforming police departments, and removing racist ideology – most of which resided in the head of Magnus himself. America is in crisis, and the border has never been in a worse position than it is now under the leadership of Biden. Just like what cockroaches do when the lights are turned on, they flee. We have members in congress who will be bringing a giant spotlight on the border issue, and guarantee they will be exposing every failure of the administration, on their duties to the American people. 

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