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Thanks to Donald Trump and other reformists the old Republican party is dead, and needs to be completely redone.

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We all know that the Republican party has been in need of dire reform, and that the establishment has done a masterful job of destroying the party. Yet, something that we all did not know was that when Donald Trump came on the scene in 2015, was how much of a reformation was going to take place. Yet, now we are starting to see the benefits of Trump’s actions as calls for reformation are taking place. 

Breitbart reported. Sen. Josh Hawley  is calling for the Republican Party to undergo reform after it was projected the party would not regain control of the U.S. Senate Saturday night.

Senator Hawley tweeted  on Saturday night “The old party is dead. Time to bury it. Build something new,”

Hawley’s call to “bury” and “build” a new Republican Party comes after several within the party were hopeful they would regain control of the Senate since they only needed to flip one seat. 

Senator Hawley has also had a lot to say about Senate leadership and who should be in charge of the Republican Senators going forward. 

Breitbart reported. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said that he would not support Mitch McConnell for Senate Majority Leader if the Republican Party takes back the Senate on Tuesday.

The senator made his declaration during a campaign stop on Monday, according to political reporter Galen Bacharier

When asked about whether or not Hawley would support McConnell for Senate leadership Hawley replied “ I don’t imagine I will, no, I’m not sure if any other senator will run or not. Nobody’s indicated they would. But my view is that we need new leadership in that position.”

Hawley ticked off a list of issues with present leadership over key issues in which the senator disagreed with McConnell on “  Ukraine funding, infrastructure & public safety bills, campaign spending in AZ/NH. ‘I did not agree with the idea that you go out there and badmouth our own candidates in the middle of an election.’

Thanks to Trump America was woken up to how bad things were in the party and now it is a mainstream idea to bring about massive overhauls. This goes to show that the Uni-Party narrative as well as the political establishment’s narrative is dissolving in front of our eyes. So grab your popcorn and get ready for the Republican infighting to begin as we readily await the re-establishment of the new Republican party going forward, one that will heavily favor the people, not the wealthy elitists. 

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