Buttigieg’s Latest Move Sparks Presidential Questions After Watchdog Group Finds The Proof

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The White House’s failed transportation secretary is reportedly eying the top job in the country. 

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It looks like the mayor from Indiana who thought he could be president, but ended up with a White House job that he is failing miserably at, is now eying another job that he is again equally not qualified for. President of the United States. 

Western journal noted. It may be a sign that Pete Buttigieg is eyeing a possible run for the White House in 2024, even as America’s transportation sector faces serious issues he seems utterly oblivious to.

According to Western Journal, Buttigieg’s internal calendar shows he has “met on multiple occasions with dark money-linked environmental groups that advocate for anti-fossil fuel policies.”

The watchdog group Americans for Public Trust obtained the calendar through a public records request, Western Journal reported. The documents revealed that Buttigieg has met with groups including the League of Conservation Voters, Natural Resources Defense Council, Securing America’s Future Energy and Climate Action Campaign.

All these groups have advocated for the U.S. to transition to a so-called “green” economy by ditching fossil fuels.

Caitlin Sutherland, the executive director of APT, blasted Buttigieg for his meetings. “Supply chains have collapsed, gas prices are at a record high and air travel is a disaster, but instead of fixing these problems, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has decided to team-up with dark money groups to implement their extremist policies that hurt everyday Americans,” 

The meetings with these powerful, well-funded, left-wing groups invite speculation that Buttigieg is once again setting up the framework for another run for president, after a failed run in 2020.

Even CNN had some words to say about a possible Buttigieg run for the white house.

CNN reported. As Democratic candidates try to chase down a relatively low-ranking Cabinet secretary, his staff has to choose between invitations to the White House and the Democratic National Committee. There’s no precedent for this. There is also no precedent for the winner of the Iowa caucuses to become Transportation secretary and perform better on camera than either the vice president or Vice President Biden.

The party’s preference for Buttigieg on the trail may be an early indicator of the direction the party will take in the future. Whether an open race occurs in 2024 or 2028, both Buttigieg and Harris are expected to run to succeed Biden.

The desire for a fresh face appears to be benefiting Buttigieg, according to two dozen operatives and candidates at CNN. Biden’s approval ratings are low, despite a steady uptick since the summer, and Democrats believe that is hurting Harris as well, who has had her own political struggles.

Pete has failed at everything he has done since leaving South Bend Indiana. He failed at running for president. He has failed at being the transportation secretary, and he will fail again when he tries for the White House in 2024. Personal issues aside, Pete is just not experienced enough to handle the job as transportation secretary, he has not helped Americans with the crippling costs of fuel, or the degrading road conditions. He has instead led the charge in shoving the country off the cliff into financial oblivion, with his push to stop any new oil leases, and his war on fossil fuels. He is uniquely not qualified to lead the most powerful nation on the planet. We need a strong leader in office like Donald Trump, and God help us, we will have him back in 2024.

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