FBI Director STUNNED Speechless When Sen. Hawley TEARS Him A New One In Front Of America

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Senator Hawley cuts loose on FBI Director Wray for his betrayal of the American system of justice.

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In America lady justice is blindfolded, meaning she cares not for your station, color of skin, nor does she care who you are. Under the law, all men are created equal. Unless you are a Biden, that is.

Daily caller reported. Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley on Thursday told FBI Director Christopher Wray it is “indefensible” that he previously fled an oversight hearing regarding his agency’s handling of Hunter Biden’s potential criminal activity.

Wray abruptly left a hearing in August, saying he had to catch his scheduled flight for a vacation, while Republican Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley questioned him on the agency’s alleged political bias in connection to Biden. Flight logs reportedly found Wray traveled via the FBI Gulfstream jet to the Adirondacks, where he owns a vacation home.

Paul Vaughn was allegedly arrested by armed agents at his home by the agency, according to Hawley. Vaughn is among 11 defendants accused of blocking an abortion clinic’s entrance. As Hawley pointed out, whistleblower field agents have also accused Wray’s DC headquarters of removing agents from cases related to human trafficking and child sex abuse in order to work on the January 6 investigations, a move the whistleblowers claim was aimed at giving the impression that domestic terrorism was a major threat.

Senator Hawley was not done with the FBI Director.

Next on the chopping block was DHS Secretary Mayorkas. 

On Monday, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) wrote to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas after a report revealed that the government and the agency collude with Big Tech to censor Americans’ online speech they dislike.

Senator Hawley has demanded an explanation from Mayorkas over DHS’s disinformation campaign.

It was a great day for Senator Hawley! He is standing up to every talking head that is violating the constitution on a daily basis, and he is knocking them out of the park. These are the same people who swore oaths to the constitution, to uphold and defend it against, not subvert it in any way. Yet here they are, doing their best to fulfill their political agenda. They care little for the legal consequences, because that system is rigged in their favor. We need more people like Senator Hawley who are willing to speak truth to power, and not back down.

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