FedEx and UPS are coming under fire from a coalition of 18 state attorneys general. They better have answers.
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Recently, FedEx and UPS announced changes to their shipping policies regarding firearms. This new controversial Firearms tracking policy has raised a lot of concern for gun-owners and now 18 state attorneys general have sent letters to both companies demanding answers.
There is a report in the Washington Examiner, The attorneys general from Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming signed on to the letter, which was sent on Tuesday.

In the letter, the attorneys general claim the companies are requiring those who hold federal firearms licenses to create “separate shipping accounts” for firearms, firearm parts, and other firearm-related products. The attorneys general also allege the new policies allow for the companies to comply with law enforcement and other “governmental authorities” in providing undo access to information on gun owners without a warrant, even if requests from those authorities are inconsistent with current laws, rules, or regulations.
Lawfully carrying gun owners don’t want their guns tracked by the government. While criminals runs scott free terrorizing people. Want to track something? Why not start tracking criminals being released into our communities?
WTOV9 Fox also reported. The attorneys are also seeking clarification from both companies about whether these new efforts were “coordinated in part with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF),” Knudsen’s release says.

Federal law in America prohibits the government from establishing a national gun registry or a national database of gun owners. However, these new policies from the shipping companies could be used to compile data on gun shipments to certain addresses, which possibly creates a database that could function similarly to those prohibited registries, Knudsen fears.
leftist lawmakers have been coming after the wrong people. Instead of actually doing their jobs and reestablishing law and order, they instead pressure shipping companies to do their dirty work for them. This is no surprise, considering the leftist lawmakers’ track record. They’re more interested in going after easy targets than actually making a difference. If they were serious about reestablishing law and order, they would go after the real criminals instead of putting pressure on shipping companies. Unfortunately, it seems they’re more interested in taking away the rights of law-abiding citizens, then punishing those who choose not to follow the law. Despicable! These AGs better shut this down ASAP.
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