MASSIVE Government Force is Coming for Conservatives – Here’s EVERYTHING You Need to Know

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The FBI is increasingly spending time and resources fighting Trump supporters, as revealed in a bombshell Newsweek report. While they claim to focus only on violent rioters, the bureau’s reclassification of “hate crimes” and “extremism” has refocused its efforts on broadly defined “extremism.”

In the infamous raid on Trump’s Florida home Mar-A-Lago, the FBI demonstrated how it used its force against Republicans it doesn’t like. Clothing, gifts, photographs, and press clippings were among the items seized by the bureau.

Who is the chief target of the FBI’s newly formed talons? Those who support Trump.

The FBI documents reviewed by Newsweek found, “The FBI is conducting three times as many domestic terrorism investigations than it was five years ago, with 70 percent of its open cases focused on ‘civil unrest’ and anti-government activity.”

It is possible that the FBI’s reclassification of domestic terrorism is a more accurate definition. A senior government source told Newsweek that while terrorism is an act directed at the government, extremism is directed at private individuals or institutions. According to the source, the new definition “incorporates the FBI and counterterror investigators into the political life of the nation.”

After the capitol riot, so-called “anti-government” and “anti-authority” cases accounted for 90% of the FBI’s investigations, while racially motivated violent extremism was the chief domestic terrorism threat before January 6.

Almost a third of the 2,700 FBI cases currently being investigated relate to January 6 or “subsequent political activity” – whatever that means.

While FBI Director Christopher Wray has assured Americans that the bureau “cannot and do not investigate ideology” and that it respects the First Amendment rights of Americans, Newsweek interviewed a former FBI whistleblower who believes “people’s associations drive the FBI’s thinking and its approach to thwarting domestic terrorism..”

Meanwhile, the FBI is also under scrutiny for their hiring and firing antics.

According to the Conservative Brief, President Joe Biden’s administration has been accused by Republicans of purging conservative employees from the FBI.

Jim Jordan, who will become House Judiciary Committee chairman when Republicans take control of Congress on Jan. 3, alleges the FBI removed critics of Biden and his administration from their posts.

Jordan has requested that Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray testify voluntarily.

Conservatives have become increasingly aware of the FBI’s continuous politicization and they understand that they can no longer trust it. A recent report by Newsweek revealed a clear shift in focus to investigate “hate crimes” and “extremism,” most of which were directed at Trump supporters. This has made it so that the government is now becoming a massive force aimed at taking down anyone who doesn’t agree with its liberal agenda. Without providing evidence or any explanation, the FBI has openly declared war against conservative voters as part of their goal to uproot those who oppose them.

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