Christmas Comes Early for NY State Lawmakers as They Gift Themselves

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As New Yorkers grapple with all kinds of problems from all angles, the state lawmakers see it completely differently. New York state lawmakers provided themselves with an early Christmas gift this year for all the hard-work they’ve done over the year, and you won’t believe what it is.

Their early Christmas gift is a generous boost in salary amid New York’s ongoing problems surrounding revenue decline, budget deficits, and high unemployment. Though New York state lawmakers do nothing, they are now being compensated for the important work they do, many constituents both in and across the country will certainly beg to differ.Talk about reading the room right?

The New York Post reports, on Thursday, Democrats in the state Senate and Assembly voted overwhelmingly to increase their taxpayer-funded pay to $142,000.

State senator George Borrello offered some sound advice before the bill was to be voted on.

A Christmas gift to themselves, Albany now has the highest-paid state legislature in the nation, despite inaction on critical issues such as bail reform in New York and the migrant crisis in the Big Apple.

The 29% raise will also result in wages more than three times higher than the median $43,208 earned by the average New Yorker.

In addition, lawmakers will be allowed to continue earning unlimited outside income until 2025, when it will be capped at $35,000.

If Hochul signs off on the plan, which passed during a hastily called, lame-duck legislative special session in Albany, the pay raise will go into effect on Jan. 1.

The Senate approved the raise 32-23, and the state Assembly approved it 81-52. Most Democrats supported the bill, while most Republicans opposed it.

It doesn’t matter how well the country is doing, they can vote for themselves to get a raise regardless. 

Democrats and Chronicle reported, the state’s 213 lawmakers saw their base salary in 2018 jump from $79,500 to $130,000 in 2021 — a 64 percent increase — under a plan approved Thursday by the state Compensation Committee.

The increase was phased in over three years, first with a jump to $110,000 in January of 2018.

It’s outrageous that lawmakers see fit to reward themselves with taxpayer money every four years, regardless of the state of the American economy. We all suffer when public funds are spent on giving legislators lavish salaries and bonuses instead of programs designed to aid those in need. It shows a blatant disregard for the people they were elected to represent and should be unacceptable conduct. In order for our government to work more effectively, we must hold our representatives accountable and ensure that their decisions are based on what improves life for the many instead of making it easier for the few that “lead”.

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