CRINGE: Dem Tries To Virtue Signal Forgets The Internet Is Forever

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This cringe-worthy incident has many questioning whether the freshman congressman-elect was really putting forward a progressive, liberal agenda or simply trying to grift his way into the spotlight. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with opting for a Chevy instead of a Tesla — until you flaunt it as some stand against Elon Musk. Potentially trying to ride on the popularity of the much sought after electric car maker, this newly elected official found himself with egg on his face for trying to draw attention for himself under false pretenses. Talk about an embarrassing moment!

Grifter alert. Everyone wants to take shots at Elon Musk now-a-days since it is the cool socially required thing to do if you are a woke Democrat who wants to establish your street cred, all in an effort to get AOC to like you more.

Western Journal reports, a Democratic congressman-elect has found himself with egg on his face after boasting that he chose a Chevrolet electric vehicle over a Tesla to stick it to upstart Twitter CEO Elon Musk — but it turns out the guy had been on the Chevy wagon for ages even before Musk bought it.

Sorensen tweeted “My pronouns are he/him, I believe in science, and I support Dr. Fauci. @elonmusk’s continued bad actions kept me from buying a @Tesla and now I am ecstatic to have a @UAW-made @chevrolet Bolt EUV in my driveway!”

The internet was having none of his grifting, further the people did a little digging, and he was instantly in full regret mode.

Showing an image from a post in 2021 where Sorensen tweeted that he was buying a Chevy Bolt 

Twitter user Caleb Hull Tweeted “ This you bro?”

Rita Panahi tweeted “Weapon grade cringe. Oh and you decided on that crappy car long before Elon was red pilled…by reality.”

Matt Whitlock tweeted “ Todays weather: cloudy with a chance of lying for the retweets!”

Catturd even joined the fray stating “ Imagine being a grown man and virtue signaling like a 2nd grader”

Elon Musk is apparently the cause for anything wrong on the internet, and in todays politics.,

Nypost reports, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez complained recently that her Twitter account stopped working after she traded barbs with Elon Musk, the site’s new owner.

In a tweet, the progressive lawmaker claimed that Musk was responsible for the Twitter notification glitch.

AOC and the left will take any excuse to go after Elon Musk as he is their new supervillain, and more often than not it ends in hilarity as they get owned by the internet.

AOC tweeted “Also my twitter mentions/notifications conveniently aren’t working tonight, so I was informed via text that I seem to have gotten under a certain billionaire’s skin. Just a reminder that money will never by your way out of insecurity, folks.”

For closure, it was not in fact Elon Musk or twitter that messed up her notifications, but more than likely a phone error. But good try AOC.

The recent Twitter stunt involving a Democratic congressman-elect and Elon Musk is just the type of virtue-signaling cringe one would expect from woke elites; showing their unyielding loyalty to the liberal agenda and keenness to “own” Musk. The man no doubt thought he was taking a brave stance against the billionaire by choosing Chevrolet over Tesla, but ended up eating his own words when it was revealed that he had been on ‘the Chevy wagon’ all along! This kind of absurd public discourse is becoming more and more frequent, making it both amusing and fascinating to watch.

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