This Senator Makes A Fool Out Himself On National TV On The Issue of Gun Control

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This Senator made a big mistake when he decided to address the issue of gun control on National Television. Not only did he look foolish for not knowing the basic law regarding the matter but his ill-informed opinion is probably what many radical democrats believe. His desperate attempt to appear knowledgeable will surely leave a lasting impression on educated Americans.

Senator Chris Murphy’s recent appearance on PBS was an embarrassment. On the program, he made an outlandish claim that there are no background checks required on gun purchases in some states, seemingly unaware of state laws requiring dealers to conduct comprehensive background checks before selling guns. Like most democrats he thought he was providing a unique perspective on the issue of gun control, his complete lack of understanding will surely provoke questions among viewers about him representing anyone. Just another democrat making a fool out of himself talking about an issue he has no business talking about.

News Buster reports, Walter Isaacson gave Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) a platform on Wednesday’s Amanpour & Co. show to make a misleading case for gun control as the two discussed the 10-year anniversary of the Sandy Hook school shooting.

In an interview with CNN International and PBS, Senator Murphy recalled the event that led him to become an activist for gun control. And after becoming a gun activist, one would think he would know the basic law when it comes to guns but nope.

Here is the senator blabbering about something he knows nothing about.

While federal law requires anyone selling weapons for profit to do a background check on the buyer, the liberal Senator claimed some states do not.

He then discussed other gun restrictions he wanted Congress to pass. However, the host, true to form as a liberal journalist, did not push back against any of his guests’ liberal agendas. He might have mentioned that the number of murders in Murphy’s home state in 2021 was higher than the number in 2013. This is because gun control was passed at the state level and there were only 93 murders all year compared to 150 murders in 2021.

It’s a pity that states with strict gun laws don’t correlate with a safe society, otherwise we’d see it in all liberal states.

Fox News reports that gun control laws have been clamoring across the country to curb violent crimes like recent mass shootings. In states with stricter gun laws, however, crimes are not higher than in states with a higher percentage of households with at least one gun. 

More than 66% of households in Montana and Wyoming own at least one firearm, making them the states with the highest gun ownership percentages. Despite this, the states also saw murder and gun murder rates similar to states with strict gun laws. 

It is a common belief among Americans that no government, regardless of their ideology, should have the power to terrorize its citizens by taking away their Constitutional right to bear arms. While most American citizens accept the importance of doing background checks before allowing someone access to firearms, the Democrats are asking for far too much. This is why many Americans are rightfully against any legislation which violates their 2nd Amendment rights and will strongly stand up for this freedom in a responsible manner. The more law abiding citizens carry, the more protected their communities are. Or else strict gun policies would prove otherwise.

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