Biometric Device With Sensitive Military Information Found & What Happened Next is Shocking

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Reports of a biometric device with sensitive military information being found sparked immediate attention, causing speculation. What’s even more remarkable is that the action taken by the military and the finder of this biometric device concluded with something no one was expecting. I don’t think you’re ready for this.

This is a particularly alarming case in which personal information was publicly sold on eBay for a measly $68 and not even to our U.S military. The biometric device that was advertised contained alarmingly sensitive details of the identities of U.S servicemen and Afghan allies, so it clearly shocked Americans to see our brave men and women completely disrespected with such behavior. The least the military could do is pretend to care but not even that was seen.

Daily Wire reports, An online auction platform has reportedly sold for $68 an item used by the U.S. military to record and store information on military personnel, Afghanis who worked with the military, terrorists, etc.

According to The New York Times.

A German security researcher named Matthias Marx purchased the product. Marx and his team purchased the Secure Electronic Enrollment Kit II, or SEEK II, from eBay in August.

In the aftermath of the U.S. military’s withdrawal from Afghanistan last year, the researchers read reports of biometric devices falling into the hands of the Taliban. During the U.S.’s 20-year occupation of Afghanistan, thousands of Afghans worked with the U.S. military, and researchers wanted to study their machines to assess the level of risk the Afghanis may have faced.

Aside from the SEEK II, Marx and his team purchased five other biometric devices on eBay. One of the documents contained sensitive, identifying information about U.S. servicemen. Jordan last used that device in 2013.

Marx told the Times, “The irresponsible handling of this high-risk technology is unbelievable. It is incomprehensible to us that the manufacturer and former military users do not care that used devices with sensitive data are being hawked online.”

The U.S. military could not verify information reported on biometric scanners.

The same military that could not be bothered with news like this, are the same people who we’re supposed to trust to make responsible decisions if ever we get into a war.

The same military leadership that lost 13 servicemen in a botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. The final headquarters of the U.S. withdrawal as the Taliban blitzed and conquered the country behind the departing Americans.

It is a surprise how American citizens have reacted to the news about our military personnel, as if we were expecting more from this administration. There is no mistaking it – this government has blatantly demonstrated that the safety of our military personnel does not hold any importance for them. Every decision taken since they’ve taken office is only reaffirmations of their stance towards the troops continues unchecked. It goes without saying that this should truly be shocking, although it seems to have become routine instead. When other countries are witnessing the same behavior at least we know we aren’t the crazy one.

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