Japan’s Desperate Attempt To Stop The Population Explosion

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 Japan recently announced an extremely expensive plan to combat overpopulation in the capital city of Tokyo – the government will pay over 1 million yen per child if a family agrees to move out. While this might seem like a generous offer, it demonstrates just how dire the overpopulation situation has become, as Tokyo is struggling with simply not having enough room. However, while this decision may come at a high cost, it seems that the only way to alleviate some of Tokyo’s overpopulation woes.

Tokyo’s overpopulation has been a mainstream issue for decades, leading to criticism and speculation from the world media, and other governments as a warning to other major cities across the world.

Daily wire reports, As a result of population concerns, Japan is reportedly offering families even more money than in the past to move out of Tokyo.

As much as 1 million yen, equivalent to about $7,631, will be given per child to a family who leaves Tokyo. Japan was already providing 300,000 yen — or around $2,289 — per kid for families who would move.


Some speculate as to the real reason behind Japan’s recent big initiatives to get citizens to move from the dense urban areas to suburbs.

Yahoo news reports overcrowding is a concern of the Japanese government because earthquake risks are increasing. According to Japan’s Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion, Tokyo is 47 percent likely to experience a strong earthquake within 30 years.

As expected, Japan’s capital was struck by a 6.1 magnitude earthquake this October. The northeast coast of Japan was struck by a 7.4 magnitude earthquake in March, leaving four dead and thousands without power.

Therefore, the government aims to encourage families in Japan’s main metropolitan area and neighboring areas to relocate to the country’s regional areas.

So whether it is because of earthquakes or Tokyo being one of the most heavily populated urban centers in the world is yet to be determined as the official story coming out seems to change frequently. But the fact remains that the Japanese government is serious about its efforts to begin the mass exodus from the nation’s capital to other areas. It is quite scary to think what would happen if a major earthquake struck the city with a population over 14 million people, with little means to get out if things got really bad. 

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