BIDEN MUST ACT NOW! Eric Adams In El Paso: New York City Has Reached Max Capacity

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On another ill-fated journey, Eric Adams has once again proven that one can only travel so far without a road map. After his latest trip to El Paso, Adams continues to do what he does best – complain rather than offer anything of actual value to the people he is professing to help. It’s time for Mr. Adams to get off the bandwagon of open borders and start providing real solutions instead of continuing this endless cycle.

Recently, New York City Mayor Eric Adams made an urgent plea to the Biden administration after traveling to El Paso, Texas and witnessing the crisis at our southern border. With stark certainty, Adams reported that his city of New York has “no more room” for incoming migrants. The growing wave of undocumented immigration is an easy issue that will require common sense solutions from both sides of the aisle. It’s clear that in light of this thorny dilemma, much more must be done by Adam’s party to combat the crisis. Now if only Adams would understand that he wouldn’t have to travel all the way down to El Paso to complain.

Town Hall reports, the New York City mayor has traveled to El Paso to learn more about the border crisis and said the Biden administration must do more to help his city because there is “no more space” for immigrants.

According to Adams, cities like El Paso, Chicago, and Washington, D.C., along with New York City, don’t deserve what is being done to them, such as sending buses from Texas to sanctuary cities. In order to relieve the pressure on overburdened services in southern towns, the state created its busing program.

Mayor Adam’s press secretary tweeted about the visit saying:

@NYCMayor made another stop at the border this afternoon to hear about @CBP’s efforts at the border. Mayor Adams saw a young boy walking along the side of the wall hoping to get over to the U.S.

El Paso experienced a massive spike in illegal crossings in December last year, but crossings have decreased following the installation of razor wire and fencing along the Rio Grande. Due to crowded local shelters and people who did not surrender to Border Patrol, hundreds of illegal immigrants had to sleep in the streets of El Paso during the surge.

While New York Mayor Adams made his rounds at the border he made an impassioned speech pleading for his party’s administration to do better about the border crisis.

There you have it, Adams begging migrants not to come to sanctuary city New York.

Adams is wasting his breath begging the wrong people to stop sending migrants to New York. The leader of his party is the one who needs to be begged in order to solve the border crisis. Adams should take up this issue with him instead. El Paso is receiving 10 times the crisis that New York City is, and sanctuary states should be barring most of the burden imposed by this border crisis. By calling themselves an illegal immigration sanctuary state that automatically qualifies you as the problem. You can’t say you support illegal immigration and when those illegals come knocking you change your locks. Instead of saying New York has no more room, you should be saying come right in. Change the policies or stop complaining when you’re not even receiving a third of the problem.

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