Must See Video! Senators Manchin & Cruz Unite To Fight Biden’s Ban On Gas Stoves

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With the advancement in technology, it’s exciting that home appliances are getting more modern features and some homes are even considered smart. But some democrats, as usual, don’t know when to stop. If they can force this new technology on every American for their own benefit, you better believe they will. All Americans should be given the chance to upgrade their lifestyle at their own pace, after all it’s their money.

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Joe Manchin has made headlines recently with an unexpected partnership with fellow Senator, Ted Cruz. On Thursday, the unlikely duo announced their support for a piece of bipartisan legislation that would prohibit the Consumer Product Safety Commission from banning gas stoves. This announcement may come as a surprise to some given the differences between the two senators; however, in this instance both parties have joined forces due to their mutual commitment towards making sure all American consumers feel free to purchase or use any product or source of energy they deem fit – including gas stoves.

The Washington Examiner reports, senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Joe Manchin announced Thursday he is teaming up with Sen. Ted Cruz to introduce bipartisan legislation that prevents the Consumer Product Safety Commission from banning gas stoves.

A few weeks ago, Fox had lots to say about the outrage ban, including praising the senator’s comments.

Recently, Manchin told lawmakers that the legislation, known as the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, would prevent the Commission from banning gas stoves using federal funds.

Here is the Senator’s recent comment after announcing his bipartisan proposed bill.

Last month, Consumer Product Safety Commission commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. suggested the agency was considering banning gas stoves because of health concerns.

Immediately after he made his remarks, a political frenzy ensued, and the chairman of the agency issued an official response reversing the suggestion.

President Joe Biden, according to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “does not support banning gas stoves.”

The United States of America is a land like no other when it comes to having an actual say about our government. With one simple act, we are able to cause a ripple effect that could lead to great change if enough people are dissatisfied with any suggestion. This incredible and powerful weapon should not be taken lightly, and it should serve as a reminder that even in today’s world, we can still be heard when the greater population disagrees with a policy or decision. Our voices should continue to speak up on topics that are out of line in order to prevent oppressive laws from being passed and make beneficial changes happen that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise. Our freedom of speech is far from dead.

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