Don Lemon Beclowns Himself After Gaslighting Viewers With Ridiculous Claim About Joe Biden

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. Americans are struggling on every front, from finding meaningful work to feeding their families. Yet, some in the Left-wing media still have the audacity to spin their own version of what’s going on. From baseless theories to full-on fabrications, it’s becoming increasingly clear that for the leftist media, factual information is a distant second — if a priority at all. 

It’s an undeniable fact that America’s media elites held a special place in their heart for Barack Obama, unabashedly raising his profile above any other previous president in recent memory. As if to underscore this point, CNN ran a segment between co-hosts Don Lemon and Kaitlin Collins that stirred heated debate amongst them. When Collins relayed the sentiment of the Democratic party leadership–that President Joe Biden would still be on the ticket in 2024 despite receiving lukewarm support from them–Don Lemon was quick to express his disagreement and going as far as claiming that Americans LOVED Joe Biden.  

News Buster reports,

Our media elites adored President Obama, in an embarrassing manner, as everyone can see. Despite this, Don Lemon protested on CNN This Morning when Kaitlin Collins relayed “Democratic party leaders are not passionate about Biden, even though he may still be on the ticket in 2024.”

According to CNN’s Isaac Dovere (formerly Edward-Isaac Dovere), party leaders “just don’t feel that exact love for him that they might have felt for Obama.”

Lemon then defended the Big Guy for that moment and brought on a spontaneous guest by the name of Ben Smith who offered his awful perspective.

After that, Lemon offered evidence to support his theory: a poll with only one participant, his own mother.

It’s important to note that a poll earlier during the segment showed that 58% of Democrats want someone other than Biden as their candidate for 2024. 

It’s nice to finally see democrat voters come to their senses with 58% wanting to see a different candidate in the 2024 presidential election. For most Democrats, it appears that they are simply tired of the daily humiliation of being part of a White House not able to achieve anything or make any real progress. What does not come as a shock is that Don Lemon and his mother are Joe’s biggest supporters. They stand alone from the majority of their own party who find themselves unable to support him because of the financial turmoil his policies have brought to them. The future remains uncertain for Democrats- especially with as few Biden advocates as there are within the DNC itself.

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