LEAVE NANCY ALONE! Watch When Pelosi’s Ambushed By Angry Citizen

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Over the weekend, an angry American got the chance to come face-to-face with Nancy Pelosi on camera, and he wasn’t afraid to ask hard questions. Nancy’s face when she realized that the man wasn’t a fan of hers was truly amusing, and her reaction afterwards is something you have to see for yourself. 

In her home city of San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi was heckled while enjoying a drink at an establishment.

According to a video clip posted online, Pelosi appeared to be caught off guard when a male asked: “Nancy, why are we sending $150 billion to Ukraine when we have homeless people in your city? ”

The man also asked: “Nancy, can I get stock tips on how to get semiconductors in Taiwan?” 

During Nancy’s tenure as speaker, her and her husband’s stock trades were a major point of contention due to timely trades that either generated income or spared losses, prompting accusations of insider trading.https://twitter.com/i/status/1629659467875774467

The man’s question about San Francisco’s unaddressed homeless and crime problems are very valid, especially in a time when our country is forking out billions of dollars for Ukraine and its war against Russia. 

As a matter of fact, according to a new report by the Daily Caller, crime is so bad in San Francisco that a shortage of police staffing has caused rampant burglaries and crimes among small business and local residents.

In addition, a recent Daily Mail report highlighted a San Francisco tech executive’s branding of the city area as ‘dystopian’. 

Michelle Tandler, the Founder of Growth Path Labs, posted a recent picture of the Democrat-run city that showed a distressing scene of a group of homeless men surrounded by trash and graffiti.

On Twitter, she wrote, “’Last night I went to a bar in downtown San Francisco. It looked like a dystopia. I saw hundreds of people folded over (likely high on Fentanyl), or sitting on the sidewalks smoking. Almost every person looked homeless. I felt scared to park and walk two blocks.

In a nearly two-dozen tweet thread about the ruinous state of San Francisco, Tandler claimed that San Francisco is at a breaking point as it pertains to the ongoing and rampant homelessness problem, as well as drug use in the streets and lax criminal prosecution policies fostered by progressive politicians and city officials.

Going back to the man who confronted Nancy Pelosi over the weekend, it is completely reasonable and sometimes necessary to confront our elected officials with valid questions like those asked of the California congresswoman. For example, when we send billions of dollars abroad while facing problems at home such as the homeless crisis in San Francisco, it’s important to let them know that their constituents do not agree with certain policies, including misuse of taxpayer dollars. With citizens now more aware of issues within their own cities and states, no elected official should be exempt from being questioned by their constituents in respectful manners. 

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