Breaking News: Vehicle Theft Rates at Record High in US

According to recent analysis, weak laws and criminal-friendly states over the last decade have created an ideal environment for automobile crime and due to a lack of willpower from lawmakers, this problem is only getting worse.
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According to recent analysis, weak laws and criminal-friendly states over the last decade have created an ideal environment for automobile crime and due to a lack of willpower from lawmakers, this problem is only getting worse.

Daily Wire reports, according to an analysis released Wednesday, vehicle thefts in the United States surpassed one million for the first time since 2008.

Based on an analysis of National Crime Information Center data by the National Insurance Crime Bureau, the metric increased by 7% between 2021 and 2022. The entity noted that monthly theft totals exceeded 75,000 last year.

California and Texas saw the most car thefts last year, with 201,000 and 105,000 stolen vehicles, respectively. In Illinois, thefts increased by 35%, and in Washington, they increased by 31%.

The national increase in crime has some elected officials changing their tune on loosening the laws.

Washington Examiner reports. Democrat voters are rejecting liberal criminal justice reforms as racial justice reforms no longer appeal to them.

President Joe Biden said Thursday he won’t oppose an effort in Congress to undo a liberal crime law passed by the Washington, D.C. City Council.

However, a spike in crime over the past two years has effectively stifled Democrats’ efforts to overhaul law enforcement and criminal justice.

Brad Bannon, a Democratic strategist stated “The president’s decision to sign the congressional bill to override the D.C. crime law is certainly a signal that attempts to reduce sentences for violent offenders is a nonstarter even among Democrats,”

In a tweet from President Biden that read “I support D.C. Statehood and home-rule – but I don’t support some of the changes D.C. Council put forward over the Mayor’s objections – such as lowering penalties for carjackings. If the Senate votes to overturn what D.C. Council did – I’ll sign it.”

The economy is going through a period of steep inflation, and apparently so is the crime rate. Vehicle theft rates have hit an all time high in the US, according to the analysis released Wednesday. The increase of 7% between 2021 and 2022 marks this record-breaking high, with monthly thefts exceeding 75,000 last year — a clear indication that weak laws and criminal-friendly states are condoning thievery with their lack of willpower. As liberal criminal justice reforms no longer appeal to Democrat voters, President Biden has made it clear that he won’t oppose an effort in Congress to repeal such reforms passed by the D.C. City Council – it’s about time for these politicians to wake up and realize that the laws they are putting in place are hurting people.

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