BREAKING: New “Axis of Evil” Forming McCarthy Warns

With Biden's weak leadership, McCarthy warned Americans against a growing crisis reminiscent of 1936 that could pit China, Russia, North Korea and Iran in a conflict against America -- a formula for World War III.
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With Biden’s weak leadership, McCarthy warned Americans against a growing crisis reminiscent of 1936 that could pit China, Russia, North Korea and Iran in a conflict against America — a formula for World War III.

Trending Politics reports, Kevin McCarthy said he was “very concerned” about the alliance of enemies that is forming against the United States under Joe Biden’s weak leadership.

McCarthy was asked about how worried he was regarding China becoming the power broker, bringing Saudi Arabia together with Iran, and what the significance of that would be.

McCarthy was spot on when it comes to China attempting to be the power broker for the world.

Associated Press reports, as Iran and Saudi Arabia reestablish diplomatic relations, China takes on a more prominent role in Middle Eastern politics, a place previously occupied by longtime global heavyweights like the U.S. and Russia. The move is yet another indication of China’s growing diplomatic clout.

Chinese diplomacy under president Xi Jinping is known for angry outbursts against the West, threats against Taiwan, and aggressive moves in the South China Sea.

A deal reached in Beijing Friday, under which both sides agreed to reopen their embassies and exchange ambassadors, shows a different side of Chinese diplomacy. By hosting Iran’s president in Beijing last month, Xi appears to have played a direct role in the talks. A visit to the Saudi capital Riyadh in December was also made to meet with oil-rich Gulf Arab nations crucial to China’s energy supply.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy is right to be concerned, as his warnings of a 1936-style enemy alliance forming against the United States are coming true before our eyes. With Joe Biden’s leadership relegating America to weak sovereignty, it has allowed for a financial crisis and unchecked global leadership by nations such as China, Russia, North Korea and Iran – creating an unholy ‘axis of evil’ that threatens both economic stability and the security of our nation. Without strong action from the government and robust bipartisan consensus, we risk sliding towards a third world war – with ourselves standing alone in its wake.

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