Americans See Chinese Economy as a Threat – Poll

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With the current presidential administration seemingly doing more to escalate global tensions than resolve them, it is no surprise many Americans feel a constant cloud of insecurity hanging over the nation. It would seem that this uncertainty has only grown due to the mainstream media and President Biden’s constant propaganda to focus on a specific foreign entity.  Unfortunately for them, Americans have their eyes set on another nation the administration continues to dismiss.

Free Beacon reports, in a new poll, large majorities of Americans say they are worried U.S. businesses rely too heavily on the Communist regime for products.

According to a poll conducted by the CRC Advisors public relations firm on behalf of the 85 Fund, a conservative advocacy group, 84 percent of respondents deemed China an “economic threat.” There were just 10 percent of respondents who did not view China as a threat to American businesses, while 6 percent had no opinion.

As a result of the February 16-20 American survey, which followed the shooting down of a Chinese Communist Party spy balloon traversing the United States, growing skepticism toward China and its economic practices has been noted. Aside from stealing American research and spying on private companies, the Communist regime has forced many of its U.S. business partners to move their manufacturing plants to China. A number of members of Congress have characterized CCP control over American supply chains as a threat to national security.

NBC’s Ryan Nobles also spoke to Rep. August Pfluger, R-Texas on some underlying issues congress is concerned with.

Based on the findings, both Republicans and Democrats see China as a threat and want the country’s economic reliance to be ended.

87 percent of those polled expressed concern about the growing reliance of U.S. businesses on China, including 50 percent who are “very concerned” about the situation.

The majority of Americans are willing to pay more for American-made products. A total of 58% of those polled said they would shell out anywhere from 5 to 25 percent more for products not made in China. Only 15 percent of respondents said they would not pay more for American-made products.

According to the survey, 62 percent are “less likely to buy goods and services from a company that partners with China.”

We Americans are tired of seeing cheap made in America products, of course it’s thanks to capitalism that they are able to take advantage of this, but they don’t play by the rules. They will rip off just about anything if they can make money off it, but it’s time for we Americans to start stirring away from their kinds of products and start creating our very own with good quality. There is a reason people would rather pay more for our products, we’re the best and no one can deny that.

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